After a week off from our summer tour,
3D In Your Face and I would like to welcome you back to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog for
3D In Your Face. If you are just joining us let me get you caught up to speed. About two weeks ago our "Midnight Devils Tour 2013" began in my hometown of Fremont. We have had some amazing shows so far and we are really only about a 1/4 of the way through the summer. As a band we decided to take a week off from playing shows and head into 3D Studios to begin recording our brand new record. My radio show
HAIR IN THE AIR (not to be confused with this blog), is now in it's third week of broadcasting and I am thrilled with the amazing response I have gotten from all of you loyal fans. Thanks again. I really couldn't have done this without all your support. The show has been a blast and more importantly a dream come true. We have begun prepping our new show for our return to Omaha on
June 21st. More on this a little farther down. Things have been going great so far this summer. Better yet things have been going as planned.
3D In Your Face has become a well oiled unit. Over the past 6 months we have become better friends and better musicians. We have played some of the greatest shows of our lives. Most importantly we are still having fun. Every week has presented us with new challenges and we have face them all head on in true
3D In Your Face fashion.

Over the past two weeks I have been on my own personal "SPADE INVADES Tour". I have been away from my friends and family for quite a while now and adjusting to the road surprisingly has come a little bit harder for me this time around. Back when my old bands used to tour out we would be gone for weeks at a time. Riding in our van from city to city, never really knowing what the next day would bring. It was an adrenaline rush as much as it was taxing on the body and mind. Homesickness is something that one needs to be able to overcome daily in order to get out there and do your job to the limit of your abilities. I fight with it every day. Luckily for me I haven't been alone through this journey. My band mates and managers have been there and have been my greatest source of inspiration over the last few days. It's a very weird thing to talk about, but I figure you might want to know what is going through my mind. Over the past two weeks I have lived completely out of my suitcase and slept in 12 different locations (not like that, get your minds out of the gutter). I have met some of the most amazing people and I have laughed harder than I ever have. I have made new friends and rekindled some old friendships lost along the way. Without the support from the guys in
3D In Your Face, I surely would have cracked a while ago. Right now as I sit here typing the end of the "SPADE INVADES Tour" is in sight. There is still tons of work to do, but I can see an ending to these last few weeks of terror. I always look forward to the end of a tour, but as soon as it ends I always want to get right back out there. There-in lies the problem.
Many of you know and I stated it above,
3D In Your Face has been hard at work for the last week. We have been writing a new record for the last year and finally we set out to capture the new songs on record. So far we have played 4 of the tunes live, so that makes another 8 songs that no one outside of our inner circle has ever heard. Recording updates, I always find to be really boring and always the same. So I want to try and make this a little more entertaining for you out there. To begin with we decided to record at our own studio/rehearsal/Hot Rod's living space. We also decided that Playboy and I would stay there as bunk buddies while we laid the tracks down. There was a spare bedroom and I told Playboy that we could share the bed so no one had to sleep on the floor, but surprisingly he turned me down. He ended up on the couch in the control room. Quite luxurious. I had grand illusions of working out everyday as well as recording but after 8 hours of click tracks and snare drums we were so burnt that all we could do was sleep. I still heard that damn click track in my dreams. We laid down all the bass, drums, and guitars in 4 days, which I think could be some kind of record. From start to finish I can promise you this, the new
3D In Your Face record is a true Rock N Roll record. There is no bullshit. There is no filler. Each and every song on the album came from a very honest place and I worked tirelessly on these tunes to not only make them real but make them something a Rock N roll fan would be proud of. I am proud of every song and every song has taken shape out of personal events over the last year. When we finally get to debut all of these songs to the world, I want you to know that you, as
3D In Your Face fans, gave me the inspiration to write this record. This record is for you and these songs are about you. I hope you enjoy what you hear.
Finally, on to the good stuff. This
Friday, June 21st we will be making our Omaha homecoming at T
he 21st Saloon. After finishing up our residency and starting our new tour we will be making a stop at the club that started this whole year and a half run. New tour, new costumes, new songs, new show, new lights, and the same great over-the-top attitude you can't get enough of. There is one small surprise in store all of you wild animals out there. I promised the guys I wouldn't give up the big news but I just can't hold it in. Not one small surprise but four small surprises on stage. Four very hot (and I don't mean sexy) surprises on stage. Bring the sun glasses and the sun screen because we are going to light up
The 21st Saloon bigger, louder, and hairier than we have ever done before. Please help me get the word out. I can't wait to see all of you on
Friday night. It's like a big family reunion but with hair and Rock N Roll, and #$%^. See you soon.