HOME SWEET HOME. Welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of
3D In Your Face. What a wild ride we have had over the last two weeks. First a foremost I want to thank each and everyone of you that came to
The 21st Saloon last Friday night to celebrate our homecoming show. With everything else going on in and around Omaha, you still came out in droves to show your support and celebrate the magic of Rock N Roll with your hometown boys. Even if you couldn't make the drive to Omaha, thank you for being there in spirit. Everyone keeps asking me how the show went and I simply tell them it was the "hottest" show I have ever played. With the addition of four flame towers to our normal stage show we ended up turning The 21st Saloon into on giant Rock N Roll sweat lodge. For three magical hours the band and crowd melted together into one giant heaving mass of pure Rock N Roll celebration. If you were there you will agree with me that there was something quite magical in the air last Friday. After the dust settled and we got a chance to cool down I can't think of a better way to show Omaha that "The Bad Boys Are Back In Town" I dare anyone to top that show. Triple-dog-dare baby!!

Not only did we make it back to Omaha and throw one hell of a mid-tour celebration, but after two and a half long weeks, early Sunday morning I finally ended my "SPADE INVADES TOUR". We finished our last show in Lincoln at The Cornhusker Hotel and I went home and slept in my own bed for the first time since June 4th. 15 hours later I woke up and was filled with content for completing my journey but also restlessness because for the first time in 20 days I had nothing to do and no where to be. Looking back over the last 20 days I can barely remember leaving but fortunately there are no bad moments that stick out in my mind. 3D In Your Face played 4 shows in 4 different towns. I made the trip to Kansas City and back twice. I got my alternator replace by some amazing strangers outside of an Auto Zone in Missouri. I made a stop in Fremont to visit my parents. I did the first three episodes of made radio show
HAIR IN THE AIR. I attended three different weddings. I saw one of the worlds biggest balls of string. I rode roller coasters. I chopped wood. I laughed so hard that I think I pulled something in my side. I recorded all of my bass lines for the new record. I jogged in some of the most beautifully peaceful places imaginable. Most of all I got to hang out with my best friends and play some kick ass Rock N Roll for you wild animals out there. I truly have the greatest job in the world.
Playboy is wearing one of those super magnets that wraps around your arm. He was going around the dressing room picking up all the silverware off the tables with his magnet arm. Unfortunately the magnet couldn't handle an entire chair. |
The old saying is that "there is no place like home". This is the hard part. I told you last week that I was homesick and couldn't wait for this run to end. Now that it is finished I almost immediately long for it again. My suitcase is sitting right next to me still packed with all my clothes waiting to be closed again and shipped off to the next adventure, the only exception is that now they are now clean and dry. Everyone deals with the emotional stress of returning home on a different level. For me, I have found a sure fire way to overcome these feelings of longing. My secret is to focus on the small things and be happy with what your are doing when you are doing it. To be thankful for the time spent with your friends and family, that have no idea what you do out there. To be thankful for over sized cereal bowls filled to the brim and Cheers reruns at 5 AM. The
3D In Your Face "Midnight Devils Summer Tour" is at the half way mark and we have a record to produce and get out before October (hint hint we are shooting for a September release date). There is still a so much on the horizon that I can't even look ahead because I am scared of getting crushed or going crazy. So my stead fast rule is there to get me through this and if you see me please do me a favor and remind me of this, "One day at a time". I want to look back at this in October and now that we got through the toughest summer yet funnest summer of our lives, together.
Saturday, June 29th we will be making the short 60 mile journey to the small town of
Massena, Iowa to headline their annual street dance. Anyone interested in making the road trip. I know you have been itching to stretch those wings and get out on the open road. If you haven't yet experience a
3D In Your Face street dance well let me tell you the clubs and bars have nothing on the entire county affairs. The wild of the wild come out and let it all hang out. Everyone is there for one simple reason, to have a hell of a lot of fun and
3D In Your Face gets the pleasure of being your soundtrack of fun. My radio show
HAIR IN THE AIR will also be airing Saturday night at 8 PM on
The Big O 101.9 for all of you people that can't make the show. I told you I would be there no matter what. I have one last special treat for you. On Friday morning, June 28th at 8:50 AM I will be on the air with
KS 95.7 out of Atlantic, Iowa. For those of you not in the area you can stream it live on their
website or download the app by searching KSWI in The App Store. COUNT IT.
Spade, you are truly the hardest working man for that passion of music in so many forms. You make sure that you cover everything and everyone! It is very hard not to absolutely adore you! It is not only exciting to see/hear you and your best friends crank out the best of your talents, but everything that surrounds you. Anyone that says, "They are a tough act to follow" have to be talking about you guys. You cover every media possible. Live Music performances, CD recordings, DVD recordings, Radio Broadcast Shows, Radio Interviews, Wedding Entertainment, Event Entertainment, Facebook, Blogs, Email, Messages, FanMail, Crowd surfing, Fan interaction, Photo shots, Photo Ops, Merchandise Signing, Wow did I forget anything? Don't you visit Hospitals too? You have sponsors lined up with great outcomes and loyal fans out there who will never get bored out there. Recruitment for fans is a self~induced entity powered on word of mouth! Oh, there is Merchandise, and Twitter etc. You even make the coolest prizes for the contests that you conduct! Where does it stop? I will be the first one in line when they make a MOVIE about you guys! They should name a street after you guys, but it might be too long! That would truly be a permanent PARTY street! Who wouldn't want to live there? (It would be no problem getting a petition signed for city council) LOL Never quit, always believe and take those bows proudly, they are greatly deserved. Rock on and we will be there with our fingers in the air with great respect! \m/ ;) \m/
ReplyDeleteWhelp, I never thought I would look forward to reading something as much as Stephen King (my hands down favorite author).. but Sam, you come darn close!! You somehow capture all the energy, and fun and laughter that mirrors the performances you 3D Boyz slam together. Aside from dancing to the point of stitches in my sides, your blogs are tuned in and turned on past awesome.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Deanna, you guys are by FAR some of the most talented, hard working, selfless, rock n roll loving crazy folks I have EVER had the pleasure of knowing and listening to.
Props to you Sam and Alan and Jeremy and Chris... AND all your hard working crew that help make your shows nothing less than pure magic for us..
Thank you .
LeAnne :)
Thank you Deanna. When you love what you do it really doesn't seem like work. I am proud of what we have accomplished this far but this is only the beginning. I have much much more to come and I know you are going to love it. Thank you for the kind words. And to LeAnne, thank you so much for making the drive to Omaha to welcome us home. It was amazing to see your faces walk threw that door. I knew it was going to be a great night from that moment on. Thank you for always being there. It truly has been my pleasure.