3D In Your Face - 3 Sheets To The Wind Residency
Please feel free to share this. Show your friends. The other bright spot of our weekend comes Saturday, Oct 4th. We will be taking a short road trip to Rock Port, MO to headline the cities Octoberfest Celebration. This is a 5 band bill put on at Memorial Park in Rock Port. The festivities go all day long with vendors, rides, and plenty of beer. Come for the booze and stay for the Rock N Roll.
Last week I caught up with up-and-coming Omaha promotional website Rocking The 402. They put together a very cool video interview that you wont want to miss.
Rocking The 402- Sam Spade Video Interview
Time for the main course. Last week I was racking my brain for something to write for my blog post. I was stressing out over something that I initially set out to be a fun release for me. I got some good advice from some people that was simply "Write how you feel." "People connect with you because you because you are genuine.". While I appreciate the nice words it made me think. I realized I was putting to much stock into writing an unbelievable blog. Keep It Simple. Let it flow. This weeks idea came to me and I at first thought nobody would even care about this subject. But hey! This is my blog. Deal with it.
Many of you know that I am almost %100 consummed with Rock N Roll, my career, and music in general. There are very few times that I am not working or trying to progress myself as a musician and entertainer. Those rare moments come very late at night or early depending on your point of view. I wouldn't say that I am a big television watcher but every night like clockwork right around 4:30 AM I close my computer, put my guitar away, and flick on Netflix. Now I'm not just one of those watchers that clicks around randomlly looking for something to watch. No no. My obsession started with the 80's TV sitcom Cheers. I watched one episode and imediately I was brought into this world that had nothing to do with music. It brought me great joy and I was able to shut off that part of my brain that never stopped working. Next thing you know it was a nightly ritual. I watched every episode in every season. Thats roughly 8 seasons and around 250 episodes. When you put it on paper like that it seems a little crazy but honestly this is one of the only none musical things that brings me joy. So what happened when Cheers ended? I freaked but imidiately started the Cheers spin-off Frasier. That's another 11 seasons and around 265 episodes.
First and foremost not that many people can say they have seen all the episodes of Cheers and Frasier combine. Now you can go ahead an tell your friends that you know somebody. These two shows kind of acted like an eraser for my mind at the end of the day. After all the clutter and businesss I had to deal with Cheers and Frasier became a place that I could escape from myself. A place where all of my friends came to have a good time and laugh.. It was like catching up with my buddies even though I know it was only a TV show. Cliff, Norm, Sammy, and Woody were officially now my bros. I remember watching reruns of these shows late at night when I was a kid. My parents always let us watch these classics. Little did I realize how much sex and depravity were actually in these shows. Not that I think that's a bad thing. Now I am at the brink of having nothing new to watch. This is where I need your help. I need your suggestions on what to watch next. I am interested in running the MASH gamot but that isn't on Netflix instant watch. Feel free to leave your suggestion in the comments. Or just write about whatever you feel. This is for you as much as it is for me. Thanks for the laughs.