This week we keep on trucking. Our 2014 Summer Tour keeps on rolling and this week are gearing up for two huge shows in Sioux City, IA. We are heading back to The Awesome Biker Nights Festival in downtown, Sioux City, IA. If you haven't been or haven't yet heard of this legendary two-day party then saddle up partner. Imagine if you will, 6 blocks of downtown Sioux City blocked off and only motorcycles and pedestrians are allowed to enter the party arena. 3 stages and dozens of bars liter the festival grounds. That electricity is in the air and everyone is there for one reason, FUN. Tons of great food and drinks, lots of bands from country to heavy metal, and more ass-less chaps than an old-fashioned cattle drive. We have the great opportunity to be playing at a bar that we have had great history with over the last few years. 4th Street Bar and Grille will be the HOME OF HAIR for the weekend. We will laugh, we will cry, and we will make memories that will last a life time. Sioux City, I hear you calling off in the distance. I can almost feel the awkward fishnet sun burns and taste the street cart gyros, the smell of cigarettes and gasoline filling the air. Also this week, on Wednesday, June 18th Focus On Metal Podcast will be premiering Forbidden City. Please show this Podcast some Army love and share this with your friends.
Oh Sioux City it has been a while since I have graced your sultry shores. We have a history together. When my first band OFFICIALLY TERMINATED started out we had trouble finding shows in our hometown and in Omaha so we looked north for the answer to our Rock N Roll urges. I think we played in Sioux City once a month for a year straight. Every show was wilder than the last. We picked up hitchhikers, we drank illegally, we fogged out old VFW halls, we played crappy bowling alleys, we fought with the locals, and tried to steal their girls. Sioux City I have more stories with you than almost any other city in my life. One time we decided to do a small tour and stay up in Sioux City for a few days. Luckily we were offered a place to crash by some kids at the show. Their parents were gone and they had booze and the house to themselves. This was a bad combination or good depending on what angle you are looking at this from. We drank into the morning hours. My memory is a little foggy but I remember our drummer running through our hosts yards and breaking each and every baby sapling off at the ground. Our bass player took it upon himself to destroy each and every plastic lawn chair. You are just sitting there one minute talking and the Mike Jones would launch himself onto you leaning way back and snapping the legs of the chairs. You would land in a heap of plastic, booze, and cigarette. For some reason I don't remember doing anything stupid but that surely doesn't mean that nothing happened. The next day we arrived at the venue. We parked right in front where everyone was standing and smoking. The sliding mini-van doors roll open and each and every guy in the van piles out and starts puking all over the fresh Sioux City grass. We were a punk rock band. It seemed very fitting at the time. I love you Sioux City and I can't wait to feel your warm, smelly embrace. I'm bringing the sun screen and the poncho.
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