Around 10:15 PM Wednesday night Sniper and I will be doing another interview on Paranormal Mojo Radio. This one is going to be a little different. Tune in here. This show is dedicated to the supernatural. Sniper will be talking about his ghost experiences and I will be discussing the inspiration behind a few of the songs on our new album.
Friday, March 21st we are returning to The 21st Saloon for another wild night of Omaha Rock N Roll action. Your sponsor for this show is Atomic Garage, they will be selling motorcycle jewelry, rings, necklaces, belt buckles, purses, and weapons of mass destruction. We will be celebrating some more birthdays. I can't wait to see you all back home at The 21st Saloon.
Time for the goods. It is with great pleasure that I am welcome someone very important to me to the 3D In Your Face Army. This person came into my life on Friday night and I am very honored to have a new companion on this journey. On the other hand I am very happy to say that I have lost a dear friend that has been with me from the start of my career as the bass player in 3D In Your Face. Alright enough dragging this out. This week I am officially retiring my white Thunderbird bass. After three years of faithful service I opened up the case one day and the guitar was broken, it had just given up. Rather than glue he back together I think that I am just going to retire her to a life of apartment living. This was the first bass I bought when I got the job as bass player in 3D In Your Face. I always remember seeing Twiggy Ramirez of Marilyn Manson playing a white Thunderbird bass and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. This bass has been in the trenches with me since the beginning. I even recorded all of the bass lines for our new "Midnight Devils" album with this bass. As sad as I am to see her go. I know it's only a matter of time before it gets smashed beyond play-ability on stage. I tend to play a bit rough if you haven't noticed.
I would like to introduce to you my newest piece of artillery, Silver. I picked up this little beauty as an early birthday present. It's a limited edition Epiphone Thunderbird in TV Silver, there were only 1, 000 made. Not only do I have a new bass but one of sponsors, Joe from Party Express Bus Nebraska, got me a new case for this new T-Bird. Nothing compares to the feeling of a brand new guitar. I especially like peeling off all the plastic, putting on new strings, and Spade-proofing a new weapon. Silver will now take the place as my main bass. A truly stunning beauty. I couldn't be happier.
You may ask why I am making such a big deal out of a new guitar. It's the celebration of the past mixing with the anticipation of the future. I love that white bass and I took it everywhere with me. Now I have a new girl and we are going places never before realized. Hello summer tour. Hello new album. Hello world. It's my pleasure to introduce to you Silver.
Welcome Silver - and the journey begins!!!
ReplyDeleteGood bye beauty...helloooo handsome.... lets get ready to ROCK & ROLLLLL...!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the Madness that we call ROCK N ROLL Silver. I know you are going to ROCK ME like the Ole White did... heck you might even take the Madness to a new level. Can't wait to find out first hand!!!! \m/\m/