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3D In Your Face Returns To The 21st Saloon This Friday, Feb 7th. |
Thanks Spade for that great intro. I have known Spade for about a year and half now and what a pleasure it has been getting to know these Great Guys of 3D In Your Face!!!! I've told Spade on a number of occasions, that 3D In Your Face knows what it means to put on a performance. You know 3D In Your Face is going to give a HIGH ENERGY PERFORMANCE every time they play. I've seen some of the big names from the 80's Rock Industry and have had the privledge of hanging out with some of them after their shows. But it's 3D In Your Face that I enjoy most of all, I think a lot it has to do with how they interact with their FANS the 3D In Your Face ARMY as it has become! I appreciate all the hard work that everyone in 3D In Your Face has done over the years and I thought it would be awesome to find out, Who Are These Guys. So before the interview begins let me say, I have really enjoyed learning more about these guys and I know you will too. Okay so lets get this interview started!
First off Spade tell us, the Fans of 3D In Your Face, a little bit about yourself. Give us a little glimpse into the history of the Wild Bass Player, that we know as “Spade”. (Give us example for instance, hometown, siblings, education, names of former bands, hobbies, I want you to just blurt out whatever, Fans love the little things that you might find silly or boring. (When I was at Skull Fest, the singers would share stories that they thought were boring, when in fact they were very interesting and it allowed the Fans to connect with them on a personal level. I really appreciated that.)
• at what age did you pick up an instrument and what was that instrument?
I got my first instrument when I was 16 or 17. It was a Epiphone Les Paul Special with an amp. One of the combo packages. The guitar was great and a real sturdy work horse. I played it for many years until it got stolen from my practice place after a big party. Before that I was in the church bell choir.
• Are there different types of instruments can you play?
I can play the guitar which was the first instrument I learned and I can play the bass. I am slowly learning to sing correctly, which is a skill that seems harder than it should be.
• Give us a little insight to your childhood and the people in your personal life that inspired you?
My childhood was relatively normal. I grew up with very loving parents (two sets) in a nice town. The only problem was that there was no escape. Everything was always the same. I wanted something different than the rest of the kids my age. I felt different inside but I had a real hard time expressing it. The music made me move. It was challenging and yet rewarding. The biggest influence on me as a kid where my grandparents. They were hard asses that worked very hard for what they had. They were old school and they demanded respect. My grandparents were also cultured, or at least cultured to me. They had seen a lot of things and experience many new places. I wanted to do that. I wanted to work hard for what I wanted but I also didn't want anyone to tell me how to live my life. Every Sunday morning they would ask me where I had played the night before and how the van was running. They supported a grandson that wore makeup and had long hair.
• Who is your greatest musical influence?
My greatest music influence always seems to be changing and I think that is a good thing. I keep discovering guys that I think are amazing. Most recently I rediscovered Jack Blades from Night Ranger and Damn Yankees. That guys is one hell of a singer and bass player. Not to mention he wrote so many classic Rock N Roll songs. It always goes back to KISS for me. KISS was the reason that I started playing music. Ace Frehley was the reason I picked up a guitar. KISS was also the reason I didn't get a lot of dates in high school.
• What is the Greatest Album of all time and why?
Easy Elvis Presley, "Elvis Presley". Before Elvis there was no such thing as Rock N Roll. We are forever in debt.
• what is your fondest 3D In Your Face moment and/or in any part of your music career?
This is a very hard question. I have been with 3D In Your Face now for almost 9 years. Granted I can't really remember 6 of those years due to the drinking. My favorite moment was when we finally released the "Midnight Devils" record. All the hard work finally payed off.
• What's the most bizarre thing to happen while you were onstage?
I am the king of having embarrassing things happen to me onstage. I think something happens every night we play. The worst thing happened at Cappy's in Lincoln. I went to step up onto the drum riser and my pants ripped from my belt to my knee. If you know me you know I never wear underwear. Whamm my bird was hanging out in the breeze. So I covered it with my guitar but I showed every guy in the band before I got off the stage. The crowd got it's money worth that night.
• What's the hardest thing about being in a band?
The hardest thing about being in a band is being fully satisfied with your career. It seems that once you accomplish one goal you have to start on another. There is never any down time at this point in my career. I feel that if I am not working to further my career it is slipping backwards. I want more shows, more albums sales, more interviews, more travel, more fans, and more everything. I have trouble stopping to smell the roses.
• Being in a band, what are some of the sacrifices that you have had to make?
Sacrifice is the name of the game. We have given up any hope of a normal life. But honestly we have traded a normal life for the best job in the world. Playing in a Rock N Roll band is my dream and I will give up everything to make it happen.
• Fans know that musicians name their instruments (musical instruments now) so Spade do you have names for all of your Bass Guitars? If so, what are they and how did the name come about?
Unfortunately I don't have any names for my basses. When we are on stage I usually just yell a color in Chappy's general direction and he knows which one to grab.
• What is your choice in Bass Guitars?
For the last three years I have played Epihphone Thunderbirds exclusively. I have a white limited edition Thunderbird, a Nikki Sixx Custom, and a baby blue Thunderbird.
• If you could have any guitar what would it be?
A 1959 Gibson Les Paul or a 1-5 Gibson Ace Frehley Custom Les Paul.
• I have noticed that your shows are getting more and more fan involvement, we all know 3D play’s great music but I think the high energy that 3D In Your Face puts out at every show is contagious. What do you do to get yourself in physical readiness for 3 to 4 hour show?
Very good question. During the week Sniper and I like to go out and jog. I find it to be one of the most relaxing activities I can do. It pushes you physically and mentally to the edge. We usually do around 3 -4 miles a day when we aren't playing. Right before we hit the stage we stretch out like a pro athlete before the big game. Lots of water, no soda, and no alcohol.
• What Famous Bass Player would you like to meet?
Duff Mckagan from Guns N' Roses. This go wrote the book on amazing rock n roll bass. If you listen to his bass lines and song writing on Appetite it will blow your mind.
• What do the 80’s mean to you?
Since I am the young guy I can only speculate on the 80's. I was born in 1985 so I don't really remember any of the 80's. That being said the 80's were the glory days of Glam Rock, it was still honest, and simple.
• Name 3 things that from the 80’s that you miss.
I don't really remember anything from the 80's. I was only 5.
• How do you feel about today’s music?
Music today still excites me. I am very happy that there is a new wave of Glam Metal coming back into the public's conciseness and I feel 3D In Your Face is a part of that movement. Rock N Roll bands are playing shows again and people are getting excited by this. The energy is there again and the technology is allowing bands to do things never before heard of. The dream is still alive.
• Spade, what can you tell us about the making of “Midnight Devils”? What did you learn from making this new album, and how did you grow from making it?
I truly feel that the "Midnight Devils" album was written by Rock N Roll fans for Rock N Roll fans. It was written the way bands used to write albums back in the day. 3D In Your Face has been constantly touring and we put together each and every song while still playing around 70 shows a year. Every song on the record is based on true things that have happened to each of us in our lives. This was the first full album that I have ever released and I wanted to be apart each and every facet until it was released. I learned to be honest when I was writing these songs. Tell the story and let it take you where it needs to go. People will realize your meaning regardless. Never try and force something to work, it will never turn out right. Create from an honest place and you can never go wrong. We set out to create a solid Rock N Roll album and we succeeded. I am excited to see where we go next.
Jim Kaufman
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