The Official Blog Of The Glam Slam Big Haired Bad Boys Out Of Omaha, NE, 3D In Your Face

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Midnight Devils Super Fail. Happy Birthday Hot Rod.

Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official blog of 3D In Your Face.  What a stellar week.  If you have been living under a rock for the last week you might not have heard that we have officially released our brand new album "Midnight Devils".  After two long years of writing, recording, and touring we have finally put out the album we have always wanted.  "Midnight Devils" was released on Dec. 6th at The 21st Saloon.  The new album is 12 songs of straight ahead, honest, kick-you-in-the-teeth Rock N Roll.  Last week we launched the album and before I get into this weeks blog I want to thank everyone that came out to our release show.  I want to thank everyone that had a part in the making of this new disc.  Thank you to our friends and family for listening to rough demos, unmixed demos, un-mastered demos, recording sessions, art work sessions and everything else that goes into making a new album.  This was honestly one of the most stressful things I have ever done and I am so happy to be releasing this music to the world.  Most importantly I want to thank the 3D In Your Face fans all over the world for always being there and supporting us no matter what.  Now it's your turn to hear the real story behind the new album.
Friday, Dec. 13th Hot Rod's Birthday Celebration at The 21st Saloon. 

Let me take you back to Thursday Dec. 5th 2013.  The day before the album release show our Sound Engineer Troy Way sent picture texts to everyone in the band (except The Playboy, don't ask), letting us know that the new CD's had arrived in the mail.  We knew we were going to be cutting it close but this was tight.  I raced through my radio show HAIR IN THE AIR on The Big O 101.9 and headed over to the production shop to finally get a glimpse of our baby.  As I walked in I gazed upon 5 boxes full of 250 CD's apiece.  If you have never seen 1,000 CD's with your face on the cover, it's quite the visual to take in.  Troy and I cracked the first disc and examined every inch of the artwork for roughly an hour.  Let me tell you I was on cloud nine.  I grabbed a box and headed to rehearsal.  At the 3D studios Hot Rod and I marveled at the art work.  Soon The Playboy and Sniper rolled in.  We were all ecstatic.  Then someone asked if we had put the disc in a player just to make sure it worked.  Why would we?  I have heard the songs 1,000 times.  So Hot Rod puts the disc in the CD player and none of us can believe what is coming out of the speakers.  COUNTRY MUSIC.  Our hearts sunk.  The disc manufacturers put a 6 song country bands music on our brand new Rock N Roll record.  I was hit with what seemed like a panic attack.  Sniper just started laughing.  What could we do.  We were now the proud owners of 1,000 3D In Your Face CD's with country music on the flip side of the disc.  It seemed like the longest night I have ever lived.  The next morning Hot Rod got on the horn and had 100 limited edition CD's made up by a local manufacturer to cover us for the launch party.  Looking back now I find it one of the most Spinal Tap things to ever happen to a band.  The original manufacturer cover all the expense and is producing the right 1,000 CD's for our winter tour.  If you could only imagine the phone calls that happened that night.  I took a video of Sniper demoing the album for you.  I held on to it because I figured down the line this would be a great watch and I was totally right.  Check it out.  This is right in the thick of our panic the night before the "Midnight Devils" launch.

This Friday, Dec. 13th we are back at The 21st Saloon to celebrate The Man, The Myth, The Legends birthday.  Our beloved lead singer Alan 'Hot Rod' King will be celebrating another year of melting faces and destroying souls.  We are throwing one hell of a birthday celebration and we are inviting each and everyone of you to the party.  For you musically inclined people out there are bringing in our good friend DJ Steve to do 80's ROCK N ROLL karaoke during our breaks.  I have now been in a band with Hot Rod for 9 years and I am thankful everyday that I decided to join up with this Rock N Roll circus.  Come out and celebrate not only Hot Rod but 3D In Your Face.  Don't forget to pick up a copy of our new album "Midnight Devils" available via iTunes, eBay, and our merchandise table.