Check out a great new album review just in from our good buddy Arttie at Glitter2Gutter
After the stellar performance of last weeks blog I'm feeling the pressure to recreate something magical again. As many of you know playing in a band is probably one of the most stressful jobs you can have. Trust me if it was easy everyone would do it. AC/DC wrote "It's A Long Way To The Top" and I think everyone musician slugging it out on the road still has a special place in their hearts for that song. Last week we were scheduled to play at JD's in Kearney. Kearney is roughly a three hour drive for us pulling a trailer full of gear. We departed from our gas station around 1 PM and planned on being there for load in around 4 PM plus any stops. We get about an hour outside of Omaha to Lincoln, NE and BOOM, a tire on our trailer blows. Everyone was freaking out but Hot Rod calmly limped the trailer into town. We lucked out and came across a service shop. It was closed but by chance a tire salesman was in the garage and decided out of the goodness of his heart to help us. We replace one tire then found that a second tire was about to blow. Two new trailer tires later and about an hour behind schedule we hit the road in high spirits. Another hour down the road and the trailer begins to smoke. Not again. We pull over and get out on the interstate with trucks flying by only to realize that the wheel bearing on one of the axles had gone out. Damn! What now? Mind you we have never cancelled a show in 17 years but we were seriously considering it.
We limped the trailer to a truck stop at Aurora, NE and started to scamble. The mechanic on duty wouldn't help us. We tried to fix it ourselves in the parking lot but the roter was damaged. Finally we made a call to a Uhaul rental in Grand Island, NE and they hooked us up with a 17 foot truck. With the Captain's hat on and Sniper riding shotgun we busted our asses back, unloaded the trailer, and loaded up the Uhaul. Back on the road and another hour's drive to go. We made it to Kearney at around 7:15 PM about three hours later then we expected. No room service before the show. We all chipped in and got the show up and running in about two hours. The guys at JD's were so amazing and very understanding. Anybody else would've cut their loses and cancelled the gig. We finally hit the stage at around 10 PM and didn't let up on the gas until 1 AM. The show was insane. Kearney is always wild but that night there must've been something in the air. We said goodbye to our Kearney family and started packing it all back up in the truck. By 2:30 AM the truck was rolling down the highway towards Omaha and aside from a roadcase falling on my foot, overall it was a great night. Those are the kind of nights you remember. A couple years down the line when we are still out navigating the Rock N Roll highways and bi-ways we will be telling this story to pass the time. We fear nothing. Bring on your worst.
Sam Spade