Since I promised you a little taste of life on the road I will indulge you with an experience that happened to us Saturday. I'm not really sure where to begin it's a long story. We finished up Friday's show in Sergeant Bluff and had the trailer packed up by 12:30 AM. This put us in North Platte around 6:30 AM. Quite a drive and major props to Alan and Mike for pushing the limits. I woke up around noon Saturday and walked out of the bus. It was pretty hot but not as bad as I expected. The rest of the boys were already up and cracking jokes. Sweet D and I brushed our teeth and I cracked open the trailer. This set up would be a bit of a struggle as the stage was located in the middle of a dirt rodeo arena. We set out some boards and started the push towards the stage. It was hot and we all kept and eye on our water and sunscreen intake. By about 4 PM we finished and did a quick sound check. The Lincoln County Fair was gracious enough to supply us with showers but this meant weird band time in the locker room. Not as bad as you'd think. They had separate shower stalls but still pretty funny. Walking back to the bus after the shower I made the boys stop at an inflatable water slide I had spied earlier. When in Rome you always go down the water slide. As I climbed the stairs I heard the attendant telling Sniper that the water was pretty dirty since most of the kids were coming over from the horse barn. Great. Whatever, I was already halfway up and the kids were giving me bad looks. Bombs away. Welcome to splash town. Totally worth it.
by 5:30 we grabbed some chow and relaxed before our 8:30 start time. We hit the stage to an overwhelmingly warm response. The people in North Platte were amazing. Then came the fire, the smoke, and the fireworks. It was all smiles as far as I could see. Then a reoccurring plaque struck my bass rig. For the last few nights I thought my guitars were messing up but came to realize it was my wireless system. I had to switch to a chord and limp the rest of the show tied down. Lesson learned. We had the trailer packed and ready to roll by 2:00 which put us back in Lincoln by 5:30 AM. Not to shabby. I opted to ride behind with Mike in the follow-along car to keep him awake. The trip was going great until about 8 miles west of York, NE. We were chatting away when I spotted sparks shooting out of the trailer. Panicked I phoned Alan and he pulled over the bus. The bearings on the trailer had gone out and started the center of the wheel on fire. We doused out the flames and limped it to the next exit. Our best bet was to drop the trailer and send some boys from Omaha to pick up the gear. About 45 minutes later we were back on the road without our trailer and gear. Very scary. Huge thanks to Dave Shipley, Kenny Beager, Troy Way, and Mike Cloyd for saving our asses. We made it to Lincoln by about 6:30 AM which wasn't bad all things considered. This is where I left the rest of the convoy and made my way to an in studio radio interview with Dave Landis on 92.9 The Eagle. By now it's Sunday and I was a little burnt. I finally passed out around 1 PM Sunday afternoon.
Sorry this was the long and short of it. The shows were great but the story is half the fun. I promise I will get better at this for you and take more pictures. You are my friends and I know all of you can't be there to experience the magic. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed our journey.
Sam Spade