Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. Well it's down to the wire and you only have one week left in order to get yourself ready for Christmas. The time went fast we are counting down the last few days of 2015. I now you are sad to see it leave but trust me I believe 2016 is going to be one hell of a year. This week, on Friday, Dec. 18th we are playing our last official show of the year at The 21st Saloon. We will be taking a week off for Christmas and we will be catching you again the very first Friday of 2016. For this Friday's show we have teamed up with our good buddy Joey Neon and Neon Energy Drink to bring you "Glow-In-The-Dark Christmas". We are throwing another glow party with our new partners Neon Energy Drink. I am an energy drink junkie and I believe that this product is one of the absolute best things on the market. It's healthier than any other energy supplement you take and it glows naturally under black light. Neon Energy Drink will be taking off around the world so do yourself a favor and get in on this before it's to late. For Friday's party we are encouraging everyone to wear neon colored clothes, we will be shutting off the bar lights and replacing them with black lights. Break out the glow bracelets, necklaces, and tongue rings. It's time to get freaky.
For this weeks blog I wanted to write something positive and uplifting. This time of year can be the one of the hardest times for anybody. It's easy to isolate yourself and the lonely feeling comes on strong at the first hint of a Christmas Carol. It's difficult to face the holiday season by yourself not to mention the cold weather and the lack of sunlight. I get it. I totally do. The positive side is that no matter how lonely you feel you aren't alone. The friends, the family, and most importantly the music almost beacons you back especially now. The friends and acquaintances I have made through this band alone, bring an almost uncontrollable shiver down my spine. The music brings us all together and that is probably the coolest part about this whole thing. We come from all walks of life and from all backgrounds to rally around the guitar like it was some bright star in the night sky. (Oh did you see what I did there). It's true though we all may come for different reasons but in the end we are all there to have fun and to be around people that share the same common interest. We may not be the perfect family but we are family all the same.
As a musician you always are aiming for success. That word "success" is such a difficult word to describe. Money, fame, gold records it's all the same. For me I I feel it the most when I step off of the stage a sweaty stinking mess. Nothing left in the tank and nothing more to say. I feel success when I see The 3D In Your Face Army walk through the doors of The 21st Saloon with smiles on their faces. I feel it when I get a hug after the show or a text letting me know somebody made it home safe from a show. Those are the things I judge my success on. After that it's all just business and I didn't get into a band to do good business. Sure I want to sell albums but that's simply for the fact that I want people to hear what I have to say. I want to express my love and passion for this music and this art to as many people as I can. I want them to share in the celebration. I think my favorite part of Christmas is going to Midnight mass with my mother and listening to the organ shake the entire church. We become lost in the volume and that's when your mind becomes free.
Sam Spade
The Official Blog of The Glam Slam Bad Boys from Omaha, NE 3D In Your Face and The Midnight Devils.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
How Do You Celebrate A Lead Singers Birthday?
Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. I can't believe I am saying this but two weeks in a row. How about that? I realize I love you guys to much and I need to release some of this pent up mental steam. This is another big week for the boys and I, as if any of the weeks aren't crazy enough. This Friday, Dec. 11th we are celebrating our lead singer Alan "Hot Rod" King's birthday live, loud, and on fire at The 21st Saloon. This party every year is quite the exquisite blow out. What can I say about throwing this party? Mix birthday cake, rock n roll, and tight pants together and well it makes for one hell of an evening. For many of you that read last weeks blog we said goodbye to Mark "Storm" Mefford on the skins. Now for a Hair In The Air exclusive I feel comfortable enough announcing that we have a new man on drums. No stranger to the Omaha music community, Mr. John "The Hammer" Lovings has taken over full time drumming responsibilities. John was a very natural fit and step up to the plate and knocked it out of the park. We are excited for this new chapter in the band's career and we hope the 3D In Your Face Army welcomes him in as one of their own. Again very special thanks to Dax for filling in and helping us through this rough patch. Back to the weekend, this Saturday we are taking the night off to celebrate and our good friends at 101.9 The Keg have been kind enough to throw us a party of their own that features 38 Special and Lita Ford. If I was a betting man I would say that a few of us will be in attendance at this show. Come up and say hi.
I always find it hard to do a birthday blog and after all these years I don't want to repeat myself with gushy sentiments about how cool Alan is or how long we have been touring together. So for this birthday blog I wanted to do something a bit different. When I first started with the band ten years ago I was a shadow of the Sam Spade you all know now. I think I was wearing shorts, a KISS t-shirt, very little makeup, and I thought it would be very punk rock to spray red streaks into my hair. Under Alan's influence and training over the years I transitioned into my own special blend of glam, punk, metal, and dirty filthy rock n roll. I could always bounce ideas off of him in an attempt to take my performance and look to the next level. I think probably the most amazing aspect of our relationship is that I was never shunned or criticized for bringing an idea to the table. It has always been a free flowing creative organization. If I ever had doubts that I was going to far or being to extreme, Alan was always there to push my limits as a musician and showman. From the look to the sound everything was amplified and I think we both kind of fed off the energy.
I never take for granted all experience and wisdom Alan has imparted on me over the years. I think this may be the best gift of all. I certainly never would have started singing on my own without his encouragement and leadership. For that I am eternally grateful. I want to wish a very happy birthday to one of my best friends. Alan has been our leader, the founding member, and the cornerstone of 3D In Your Face. The goals we have achieved have been together and I couldn't think of a better guy I would like by my side through all of this. When we travel, most of you don't realize that Alan drives the bus after every show. We are either headed back to Omaha or to the next town. I always think of it as my duty and privilege to stay awake and keep him company on those long stretches of Nebraska highway. We chat, drink coffee, and talk about life as the hours go by. Those are some of my fondest memories. Thanks for all the great years in this crazy Rock N Roll lifestyle. I hope we have many more together.
Sam Spade
I always find it hard to do a birthday blog and after all these years I don't want to repeat myself with gushy sentiments about how cool Alan is or how long we have been touring together. So for this birthday blog I wanted to do something a bit different. When I first started with the band ten years ago I was a shadow of the Sam Spade you all know now. I think I was wearing shorts, a KISS t-shirt, very little makeup, and I thought it would be very punk rock to spray red streaks into my hair. Under Alan's influence and training over the years I transitioned into my own special blend of glam, punk, metal, and dirty filthy rock n roll. I could always bounce ideas off of him in an attempt to take my performance and look to the next level. I think probably the most amazing aspect of our relationship is that I was never shunned or criticized for bringing an idea to the table. It has always been a free flowing creative organization. If I ever had doubts that I was going to far or being to extreme, Alan was always there to push my limits as a musician and showman. From the look to the sound everything was amplified and I think we both kind of fed off the energy.
I never take for granted all experience and wisdom Alan has imparted on me over the years. I think this may be the best gift of all. I certainly never would have started singing on my own without his encouragement and leadership. For that I am eternally grateful. I want to wish a very happy birthday to one of my best friends. Alan has been our leader, the founding member, and the cornerstone of 3D In Your Face. The goals we have achieved have been together and I couldn't think of a better guy I would like by my side through all of this. When we travel, most of you don't realize that Alan drives the bus after every show. We are either headed back to Omaha or to the next town. I always think of it as my duty and privilege to stay awake and keep him company on those long stretches of Nebraska highway. We chat, drink coffee, and talk about life as the hours go by. Those are some of my fondest memories. Thanks for all the great years in this crazy Rock N Roll lifestyle. I hope we have many more together.
Sam Spade
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
A Special Goodbye To "The Storm".
My friends and family welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. Well I did it again. I left you for a few weeks. I am very sorry but I just seem to keep running out of time to write. I have a ton of stuff to cover, some good, some bad, and some great. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We had a great time at The 21st Saloon and we are looking forward to this Friday's "12 Days of Christmas" Show sponsored by Bear Metal Works Chainmaille and Jewelry. Jen produces one-of-a-kind jewelry that is easily some of the coolest jewelry I have ever seen. Below is a picture of something that she can make and if you are interested these special 'pink and green' Spade pieces are made to order for just $15. Follow the link, message her, and let her know you are interested in picking up one of these beauties for Christmas.
I must preface this weeks blog by saying that I did write this last week and never got the chance to publish it. Sorry about the inconvenience but life seems to be funny that way.
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https://www.facebook.com/bearmetalworksbyjdebruin/?fref=ts |
I must preface this weeks blog by saying that I did write this last week and never got the chance to publish it. Sorry about the inconvenience but life seems to be funny that way.
It is with great respect that last we announced that Mark “The
Storm” Mefford is no longer the drummer of 3D In Your Face. After much deliberation Mark has decided to
move on with his musical career and focus his unique skills elsewhere. We as a band and as a family wish Mark great
success and luck in the future. We would
also like to thank Mark for helping us through this period in our career. As it sits now the drum position is still
vacant. We are looking for and auditioning
drummers to fill this very big role in our band. As a group, we have decided to keep searching
until we find the right person for the job.
All future shows booked will happen as scheduled and we are still on
track to record our next album in January 2016.
A huge thank you to Dakota 'Dax' Nielsen for filling in on some of the last few shows. It has been great having you back on the train at least for a few stops. I can't remember ever laughing so hard in the dressing room before the shows. You are an amazing musician and I am proud to call you a great friend.
I know this may come as a shock to you and quite frankly we have been taken aback by this last bit of news. Every set back we encounter just keeps pushing us forward. I think I wrote this blog a few months back. I for one feel so very strongly about this band, our songs, and our fans that I couldn't imagine not having 3D In Your Face in my life. I love you people and that's why I have never thought of this as a job. I love every moment of life in this band. It's hard work but completely worth every second. I keep reminding myself to stay positive this is bigger than just you. This is bigger than being stressed out about an inbox full of message you still need to respond to. We are building something out of nothing. We are creating where there is nothing to create. The best part is knowing that nobody can ever take this away from us. The history has already be written and all we can do is keep moving and striving to be the absolute best we can possibly be. Practice, write, practice, write. Eventually something will happen. You've got to stay positive. I don't think I would even be able to function if I was focused on all the negative swirling around me. I don't dismiss any of the shit that is piling up I just choose to deal with it and keep on moving forward. My goal from day one has always been to play as many shows as possible, to sing as many songs as possible, and to prove that if you believe in it hard enough success will follow.
Sam Spade
Sam Spade
Thursday, November 12, 2015
We Have Something Special
Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. Sorry I have been a very bad boy and haven't sat down to type out a blog in a few weeks. I want to thank those people that keep pushing me to write these. I know sometimes I get so tied up in my own little sphere that I forget that HAIR IN THE AIR is as important to you as it is to me. I promise I will do my best even if it's just a little something here and there. Communication is key. HAHA. OK for this weeks events we are really rolling out the Rock N Roll wagon. This Friday, Nov. 13th our residency continues at The 21st Saloon. We are throwing a 3D In Your Face 'Salute To Veterans' Show sponsored by Ugot2BU. Three members of this band are vets and I know a ton of our fans are as well. We want to say thank you in our own way by throwing you a Rock N Roll Party. All veterans get in for free on Friday. We will also be handing out 150 American Flags to you, the audience. The goal is simply to say thank you. We are working on another special surprise for Friday that may involve a video shoot. So fair warning you may want to dress to impress or at least put on you American Flag Speedo. Saturday, Nov. 14th we are FINALLY FINALLY taking a well needed road trip back to our 'home away from home' Kearney, NE. The bar you formerly knew as Shooters has been remodeled, is under new management, and is going to be hopping. This will be our debut at the new bar so we need your help spreading the word. Kearney is always wild but when there is something to prove I've seen the crazy eyes. If you can't make the trip please tune in to my radio show also called HAIR IN THE AIR on Saturday night at 10 PM on 101.9 The Keg.
So after this long without a blog you figure I would have more to say. Well to be honest the shows have been going great. The residency at The 21st Saloon has been packed to near capacity already on several occasions. It's become the place to be seen. I look to my left and I see the look in the other guys eyes as the crowd before us is screaming their heads off and it's pure magic. Most importantly we have got back in contact with our friends and family that are from out of town. It's become a destination and now people know where we are going to be like clock work and they have been making the trip. That's worth it's weight in gold to me. So as we head into the winter we are focused on two very important things. Firstly our goal is to consistently provide one of the most entertaining Rock N Roll EXPERIENCES every Friday night no matter what. Make it interesting, make it unique, make it creative, and make it special. "You're only as good as your last show". Secondly, the album is still looming over our heads. That in itself is one of the biggest hurdles that we as a team have to over come.
So where are we sitting? At this point I kind of have to play the bad guy and withhold information from you. As I write this we have demoed all the songs except one late addition. There is a CD only in the hands of the band members that contains 11 tracks of new material that have been played only in our practice studio. Last week at rehearsal we decided to set a recording date for January, after the holidays. Most importantly the songs are great and I am already proud of the work we have put into crafting these 11 songs. Like I said many blogs ago, this album will set the framework for the next tour and our next move as a band. Focus, determination, and persistence. If this was easy everybody would do it. Just when I think I'm not sure how we will go any further we get that little bit of encouragement that we so desperately needed. When it gets dark and believe me that happens a lot, the light that shows the next step always seems to come at the last second. Sure I'm nervous, sure I'm concerned but I know that we have something special and I refuse to give up on that.
Sam Spade
So after this long without a blog you figure I would have more to say. Well to be honest the shows have been going great. The residency at The 21st Saloon has been packed to near capacity already on several occasions. It's become the place to be seen. I look to my left and I see the look in the other guys eyes as the crowd before us is screaming their heads off and it's pure magic. Most importantly we have got back in contact with our friends and family that are from out of town. It's become a destination and now people know where we are going to be like clock work and they have been making the trip. That's worth it's weight in gold to me. So as we head into the winter we are focused on two very important things. Firstly our goal is to consistently provide one of the most entertaining Rock N Roll EXPERIENCES every Friday night no matter what. Make it interesting, make it unique, make it creative, and make it special. "You're only as good as your last show". Secondly, the album is still looming over our heads. That in itself is one of the biggest hurdles that we as a team have to over come.
So where are we sitting? At this point I kind of have to play the bad guy and withhold information from you. As I write this we have demoed all the songs except one late addition. There is a CD only in the hands of the band members that contains 11 tracks of new material that have been played only in our practice studio. Last week at rehearsal we decided to set a recording date for January, after the holidays. Most importantly the songs are great and I am already proud of the work we have put into crafting these 11 songs. Like I said many blogs ago, this album will set the framework for the next tour and our next move as a band. Focus, determination, and persistence. If this was easy everybody would do it. Just when I think I'm not sure how we will go any further we get that little bit of encouragement that we so desperately needed. When it gets dark and believe me that happens a lot, the light that shows the next step always seems to come at the last second. Sure I'm nervous, sure I'm concerned but I know that we have something special and I refuse to give up on that.
Sam Spade
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
I'm To Far Into It and It Feels So Damn Good
Hello everybody and welcome to Hair In The Air, The Official blog of 3D In Your Face. Always ready to take part in some Rock N Roll shenanigans. Here we are heading into the fall, Halloween is right around the corner, and in a month it's time for turkey. It seems like just yesterday we were sweating it out in the summer heat driving around the Midwest. I honestly can't wait for some of that action in 2016. So what's on the agenda for this weekend? I have some very special events to announce. First and most important 3D In Your Face will be at The 21st Saloon this Friday, Oct 24th for our Friday Night Residency. Thank you so much to everyone that came out to last weeks show. I know a lot you wild animals wanted to come but couldn't make the trip. At least we know your hearts were with us as we set the night on fire. This Friday is going to be another beast of a show. We have some great stuff lined up for our pre-Halloween Bash. Only $5 at the door and we hit the stage around 9 PM. Saturday, Oct. 25th Sniper and I have been asked to be the special guest at The Monster Walk at The Fremont Mall in Fremont, NE. This is an all ages event starting at 4 PM with all the proceeds going to The Low Income Ministry of Fremont. Bring the kiddies and dress them up in their costumes a week early. We will be doing a special meet and greet so bring your cameras. Also if you stick around long enough you might get an earful if you get my drift. Also Saturday night don't miss my Rock N Roll radio show, Hair In The Air, at 10 PM CST on 101.9 The Keg.
Brief moments of clarity. I thinks that's what the title of this blog should be. I know that I am not alone when I say those words. That's exactly what it seems to be. I had a short but amazing conversation with a fellow musician this week that really got my blood spinning, and not in the bad way. I ran into him at the bar and asked about the his most recent tour and how things had gone. He said "For the most part the tour was great. Except for the van breaking down. We only got to play a few of the dates before I got stranded and had to catch a lift back home but it was the adventure of a lifetime." The reality of this whole statement gave me goosebumps. I have been on those tours. I have had those shows. Almost every musician that has done a little road work has experience this. The time spent on stage is completely worth all the bullshit and drama it took to get there. For those few minutes it seems like time is standing still and nothing from the outside world matters. The journey and all the hard work pay off and can finally get that release. I think this is why a majority of musicians have addictive personalities.
My friends stories really drove home the fact that this isn't a hobby, or a competition, or even a passing phase. We know the risks yet we take them anyways hoping for those brief moments of clarity that are all so elusive. Drive 4 hours to play a 1 hour set. Why? Because that's where the next show is booked and it's better than sitting around at home talking to the cats. More than that it's a chance to express our art. A chance to purge that creative valve. An opportunity to scream into the face of the universe. Ohhh very deep. I go through those days when I think the grass is greener on the other side and then I look down and realize it really isn't that bad over here. There are problems everywhere and until you find something you are completely passionate about those problems will never go away. For the most part I'm away from my home, my friends, and my family and that hurts. I feel bad when they ask, "Where have you been?". I feel bad when I'm to busy to hang out or do "normal people" things. I'm out there chasing that dragon. I've found the path. It's a tough one but I don't think I can stop now. I'm to far into it and it feels so damn good.
Always Loud
Forever Proud
Sam Spade
Brief moments of clarity. I thinks that's what the title of this blog should be. I know that I am not alone when I say those words. That's exactly what it seems to be. I had a short but amazing conversation with a fellow musician this week that really got my blood spinning, and not in the bad way. I ran into him at the bar and asked about the his most recent tour and how things had gone. He said "For the most part the tour was great. Except for the van breaking down. We only got to play a few of the dates before I got stranded and had to catch a lift back home but it was the adventure of a lifetime." The reality of this whole statement gave me goosebumps. I have been on those tours. I have had those shows. Almost every musician that has done a little road work has experience this. The time spent on stage is completely worth all the bullshit and drama it took to get there. For those few minutes it seems like time is standing still and nothing from the outside world matters. The journey and all the hard work pay off and can finally get that release. I think this is why a majority of musicians have addictive personalities.
My friends stories really drove home the fact that this isn't a hobby, or a competition, or even a passing phase. We know the risks yet we take them anyways hoping for those brief moments of clarity that are all so elusive. Drive 4 hours to play a 1 hour set. Why? Because that's where the next show is booked and it's better than sitting around at home talking to the cats. More than that it's a chance to express our art. A chance to purge that creative valve. An opportunity to scream into the face of the universe. Ohhh very deep. I go through those days when I think the grass is greener on the other side and then I look down and realize it really isn't that bad over here. There are problems everywhere and until you find something you are completely passionate about those problems will never go away. For the most part I'm away from my home, my friends, and my family and that hurts. I feel bad when they ask, "Where have you been?". I feel bad when I'm to busy to hang out or do "normal people" things. I'm out there chasing that dragon. I've found the path. It's a tough one but I don't think I can stop now. I'm to far into it and it feels so damn good.
Always Loud
Forever Proud
Sam Spade
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
I Wanna Be On The RadiOOOOO!
Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. Firstly I want to thank everyone for another amazing weekend. Our second week going into our new residency at The 21st Saloon was "Impressive" according to Scott Kirk, owner of The 21st Saloon. This week I am thrilled to announce that we have officially launched a new campaign with our amazing friends at 101.9 The Keg. The Keg has been great to us and we are honored to be working with on of the greatest Rock N Roll Radio stations in Omaha. So what does this mean for you the faithful? You're going to love this because this means more 3D In Your Face on the radiooooo! Exactly what I said. Our new commercials advertising our Friday residency at The 21st Saloon will be airing ever Thursday and Friday. Now you have to tune in to catch this all new 30 second spot. On top of that Crash Davis, our lovely radio liaison will be doing a bunch of live shouts during the week. Then on Friday night I will be doing some live shouts to remind you all that in mere hours the Rock N Roll Party will be commencing. If you can't feel the excitement just wait for the commercial to come blaring over your radio. There will be no mistake as to where the party is going to be and what station you will be listening to. This week we are back for week number 3 at The 21st Saloon. Friday, Oct. 16th we will be welcoming back The Queen Of Omaha Rock N Roll, Susan Borchers as she throws her very first benefit auction back to help raise money for Corey Hale who was stricken with Leukemia. Check out this page for more information regarding the auction and raffle.
Instead of typing out a bunch of my inner emotions. I thought I would create for you a brief video that showcases the new 3D In Your Face Commercial that will be running on 101.9 The Keg. Let us know what you think. Let us know that you've heard the commercial. Tune in, call the station, request 3D In Your Face. We are now taking over the airwaves.
Sam Spade
Instead of typing out a bunch of my inner emotions. I thought I would create for you a brief video that showcases the new 3D In Your Face Commercial that will be running on 101.9 The Keg. Let us know what you think. Let us know that you've heard the commercial. Tune in, call the station, request 3D In Your Face. We are now taking over the airwaves.
Sam Spade
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The Family Is Waiting, All You Have To Do Is Show Up.
HELLO everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. Back home sweet home and we couldn't be happier. It's finally official 3D In Your Face is back home in Omaha at The 21st Saloon. Our Friday Night Residency is underway and we have some huge things in the works for you. If you are just joining us or have noticed a new face behind the drum kit, Mark "The Storm" Mefford, is manning the skins from here on out. Things are going very well with Mark and we are moving forward with our plans to cut our next album. The songs are there we just need to get everybody up to speed. As for the live show, it's getting bigger and badder. I can safely guarantee you that nobody in Omaha let alone Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, or Kansas are doing anything close to what we are doing. It's loud, it's dangerous, and most of all it's one hell of a party. We have update our show at The 21st Saloon to showcase our live performance. The 21st Saloon has become a non-apologetic home for Rock N Roll. Most importantly it's become a lighting rod for the energy and the passion that we are feeling for this music. Enough of the big words, you need to see this show to believe it. The next show will be this Friday, Oct. 9th at The 21st Saloon. The family is waiting all you have to do is show up.
Last week I wrote about the awesome launch of our 21st Saloon Residency. This week I feel I might be a quite the opposite spectrum. The success that we enjoyed the last few weeks has left me kind of aching for something more and I think I've come to the realize what the other side of the coin looks like. The side I'm talking about is the creative side. The side of this that comes from the heart. The side that you have to release before it eats you alive. Early on in my career there was one bass player that I absolutely loved. I loved his band and everything they stood for. I realize people change over the years but lately I wasn't digging much of what he was throwing out. I thought that the edge was gone. The attitude wasn't there, that Rock N Roll spirit that brought all of us together had changed and that kind of had me searching for something more. I heard a quote from him as he was talking about the recording of his latest album. He mention that he "never stops writing". The process never stops or takes a break. That hit me like a ton of bricks. In my mind I was thinking that because we had all the songs for the album ready that I could sit back and take it easy. I was completely wrong. I actually couldn't have been farther from the truth. I'm not comparing myself to this bass player or saying that I am an artist by any means but he was dead on.
The inspiration comes from so many places and it's nearly impossible to just shut it off or turn it on like a light switch. Because this whole album/tour/album/tour process is the way it is, it isn't conducive to spontaneous moments of creative power. With all of this time off we have been experiencing I wasn't just sitting around wishing the band to hit the road again. I was out enjoying the best of Omaha's music, art, and culture. Taking it all in. I really feel like I've become apart of something special. I use the saying "We are young adults. We need to get out there and live." That is exactly how I feel. I want to make music, I want to create, I want to succeed, I want to fail and learn from it, I want the world, I want to express myself without caring what anybody else thinks. I think everyone has that creative side inside of them. The question is are you going to use it today or are you going to let it sit quietly. Maybe not today but what about tomorrow and the next day. You only get so many next days. It's just sitting in there waiting to be released, you choose.
Sam Spade
Last week I wrote about the awesome launch of our 21st Saloon Residency. This week I feel I might be a quite the opposite spectrum. The success that we enjoyed the last few weeks has left me kind of aching for something more and I think I've come to the realize what the other side of the coin looks like. The side I'm talking about is the creative side. The side of this that comes from the heart. The side that you have to release before it eats you alive. Early on in my career there was one bass player that I absolutely loved. I loved his band and everything they stood for. I realize people change over the years but lately I wasn't digging much of what he was throwing out. I thought that the edge was gone. The attitude wasn't there, that Rock N Roll spirit that brought all of us together had changed and that kind of had me searching for something more. I heard a quote from him as he was talking about the recording of his latest album. He mention that he "never stops writing". The process never stops or takes a break. That hit me like a ton of bricks. In my mind I was thinking that because we had all the songs for the album ready that I could sit back and take it easy. I was completely wrong. I actually couldn't have been farther from the truth. I'm not comparing myself to this bass player or saying that I am an artist by any means but he was dead on.
The inspiration comes from so many places and it's nearly impossible to just shut it off or turn it on like a light switch. Because this whole album/tour/album/tour process is the way it is, it isn't conducive to spontaneous moments of creative power. With all of this time off we have been experiencing I wasn't just sitting around wishing the band to hit the road again. I was out enjoying the best of Omaha's music, art, and culture. Taking it all in. I really feel like I've become apart of something special. I use the saying "We are young adults. We need to get out there and live." That is exactly how I feel. I want to make music, I want to create, I want to succeed, I want to fail and learn from it, I want the world, I want to express myself without caring what anybody else thinks. I think everyone has that creative side inside of them. The question is are you going to use it today or are you going to let it sit quietly. Maybe not today but what about tomorrow and the next day. You only get so many next days. It's just sitting in there waiting to be released, you choose.
Sam Spade
Sunday, September 27, 2015
A Night I Wont Soon Forget
Hello everybody and welcome back to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. Things have been just wild in our world and I apologize for the lack of blog the last two weeks. I may just have to make it up to you with two blogs this week. Big things are just around the corner this week. First and most importantly I want to thank everyone that came out to The 21st Saloon last week. If you haven't heard the news, well together we sold the place out. We had over 300 people through the door last Friday. Amazing. The official beginning of The Friday Night Residency begins this week Friday, Oct. 2nd at The 21st Saloon. From now until May 2016 we will be at The 21st Saloon every Friday night. Come rain, snow, sleet, or hail we will be there to give you the best damn Rock N Roll party we can give. Saturday we will begin album rehearsals with Storm. We will start going through all of the original material we have ready for the new album and get him up to speed in the next few months. The hope is to get into the studio by Dec. 2015. Just a little behind schedule but I think this is going to make all the difference in the world. We are very happy to have Storm behind the drums and we can't wait to see how this all unfolds. Lastly don't miss my radio show HAIR IN THE AIR, on 101.9 The Keg Saturday at 10 PM CST.
Like I said earlier last week together we sold out The 21st Saloon. I have never been in a band that has sold anything out. I have played some of the lowest attended shows imaginable but last Friday we took it to a different level. I think all of you know how proud we are so I want to kind of go through some of the other side with you. We knew the show was going to be big. I kept saying "Sell Out" but I wasn't sure if it would get to that point. I've been to shows at that place when they wouldn't allow anymore people in the door and it was wild. The mood on that Friday was pretty normal. We were all more nervous about debuting our new drummer than anything. About 7:30 we were all sitting in the dressing room and people started showing up. That's nothing really new. People like to get a good seat. Around 8:30 we got news that all the tables were full and the bar was all full. No more seats available. Then about 9:10 the owner came back and informed us we were at about 150 and the safe capacity of the place was 230. I thought to myself "Well we gave it a good try and 150 is still a pretty great crowd". As we started the set and the curtain dropped I was absolutely floored by all the smiling faces and the packed dance floor. I was on pins and needles just trying to live that moment forever. Then the guitar solo came and I ran off the stage and saw a line of people waiting at the door. They told me they weren't allowing anyone else in unless somebody left. That was the official sell out bell. It rang loud and clear.
Like I said selling out that club was an amazing feeling. I felt the love on and off the stage. There were so many people I wanted to say "hi" to but never got a chance. Just know I am extremely thankful and humbled by your support. I've said it before but I think every musician that picks up a guitar dreams of playing to a capacity crowd of die hard fans. It's part of the package. Granted in the end it's still all about the music and the artistic expression but that feeling gets amplified by lightning when your doing it in front of a huge audience. Any band will tell you that these things just don't happen over night. We busted our butts promoting this show. We had so much help from the radio station and the Fat Jak's Reunion as well as the bar and word of mouth from you the fans. It was such a group effort and such an accomplishment. I know they won't all be sell out shows but I also know that we must be doing something right. It's that fool-hearted belief in something that pushes you to do something great. It's the dream that you never let die because there was no other option. It's that absolute dedication to music and to the people surrounding it that makes you keep coming back for more. Selling out felt great but seeing people lose themselves in our music felt even better. A night I wont soon forget.
Sam Spade
Like I said earlier last week together we sold out The 21st Saloon. I have never been in a band that has sold anything out. I have played some of the lowest attended shows imaginable but last Friday we took it to a different level. I think all of you know how proud we are so I want to kind of go through some of the other side with you. We knew the show was going to be big. I kept saying "Sell Out" but I wasn't sure if it would get to that point. I've been to shows at that place when they wouldn't allow anymore people in the door and it was wild. The mood on that Friday was pretty normal. We were all more nervous about debuting our new drummer than anything. About 7:30 we were all sitting in the dressing room and people started showing up. That's nothing really new. People like to get a good seat. Around 8:30 we got news that all the tables were full and the bar was all full. No more seats available. Then about 9:10 the owner came back and informed us we were at about 150 and the safe capacity of the place was 230. I thought to myself "Well we gave it a good try and 150 is still a pretty great crowd". As we started the set and the curtain dropped I was absolutely floored by all the smiling faces and the packed dance floor. I was on pins and needles just trying to live that moment forever. Then the guitar solo came and I ran off the stage and saw a line of people waiting at the door. They told me they weren't allowing anyone else in unless somebody left. That was the official sell out bell. It rang loud and clear.
Like I said selling out that club was an amazing feeling. I felt the love on and off the stage. There were so many people I wanted to say "hi" to but never got a chance. Just know I am extremely thankful and humbled by your support. I've said it before but I think every musician that picks up a guitar dreams of playing to a capacity crowd of die hard fans. It's part of the package. Granted in the end it's still all about the music and the artistic expression but that feeling gets amplified by lightning when your doing it in front of a huge audience. Any band will tell you that these things just don't happen over night. We busted our butts promoting this show. We had so much help from the radio station and the Fat Jak's Reunion as well as the bar and word of mouth from you the fans. It was such a group effort and such an accomplishment. I know they won't all be sell out shows but I also know that we must be doing something right. It's that fool-hearted belief in something that pushes you to do something great. It's the dream that you never let die because there was no other option. It's that absolute dedication to music and to the people surrounding it that makes you keep coming back for more. Selling out felt great but seeing people lose themselves in our music felt even better. A night I wont soon forget.
Sam Spade
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
I Wont Let Them Win. I Just Can't. We Just Can't.
Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. I want to start off by saying sorry for missing last weeks blog. With all of the big announcements I didn't get a chance to sit down and let you know what was going on, nor did I get much sleep. That's beside the point, I play in a Rock N Roll band we thrive on no sleep. If you missed all the big announcements I will run through them right here very quickly. Last Tuesday morning on The Crash Davis Morning Show on 101.9 The Keg we introduced the world to our new drummer Mark "The Storm" Mefford. Mark will be making his debut with us on Sept. 18th in Omaha at The 21st Saloon. We also announced that we will be starting our Fall/Winter Tour back at The 21st Saloon with another Friday night residency. This will get kicked off on the first Friday of Oct. I know this is a bit confusing but unfortunately Mark had prior commitments and wont be in the state on Sept. 25th. Also another breaking announcement will be our partnership with The Omaha Rollergirls. The Omaha Rollergirls will be pre-selling tickets to their bouts at The 21st Saloon the week prior to their home bouts. We have been fighting for this endorsement for a while and finally 3D In Your Face will be teaming up with the toughest girls in Omaha. Please support this amazing group as we start this partnership moving forward.
As for this weekend, we have entered full rehearsals and will be hitting it hard the next few days in order to get Mark up to speed. The road crew has also been hard at work installing new "toys" into our residency show at The 21st Saloon. Expect new lights, new fog cannons, and even a nice little bubbly surprise. Friday night Sept. 11th, the whole crew will be out to support Great White and Warrant at The Ralston Arena. This show is being put on by my radio station 101.9 The Keg. We will be armed with our brand new hand bills promoting our new residency at The 21st Saloon. Make sure and grab us, say hi, get a picture, and a hand bill if you are at the show. Saturday don't miss my radio show also called HAIR IN THE AIR at 10 PM CST on 101.9 The Keg.
I told you there was a lot of news. I also wanted to thank everyone that was at Septemberfest last week. That was the biggest Septemberfest crowd we have ever played to and it was amazing seeing so many smile faces in the audience that night.
Now comes the real work. This is the part that is very tough. We have been held up in rehearsals getting Storm ready for the 18th and most of all getting ourselves ready. Being away from the action for so long is making me quite stir crazy. Everybody says "Relax. Enjoy your time off." Impossible it's actually quite the opposite. The time off eats me up inside. We live for the show, the fans, the hard work, the long miles, the lack of sleep, and the shitty food. It always feels like hell when you are going through it but then the minute it's over you wish to be right back in the action. Having this much time off has given me the chance to slightly catch my breath on all the Internet work we do but nothing compares to that rush of waking up on show day. It never gets old and I never take that feeling for granted. Standing on that Septemberfest stage, I looked over at Sniper and he looked back. I knew exactly what he was thinking. "This is the greatest thing in the world." I truly feel that way. The whole show was a blur. I barely remember the two hours I stood on that stage.
To say that we have our work cut out for us would be an understatement especially Mark, our new drummer. I know we will get there and I know this part is going to be hard. There will be some growing pains but we will pull through. We take each catastrophe as it comes, deal with it, then push forward as hard as possible. There is no other option. Every part of this business is hard. There has never been a point in ten years where I thought playing in a band was easy. But that's what gets me going, that's what pushes me to move forward. The odds are always stacked against you. It's to easy to fail. It's even harder to succeed. I wont let them win. I just can't. We just can't.
Always Loud
Forever Proud
Sam Spade
As for this weekend, we have entered full rehearsals and will be hitting it hard the next few days in order to get Mark up to speed. The road crew has also been hard at work installing new "toys" into our residency show at The 21st Saloon. Expect new lights, new fog cannons, and even a nice little bubbly surprise. Friday night Sept. 11th, the whole crew will be out to support Great White and Warrant at The Ralston Arena. This show is being put on by my radio station 101.9 The Keg. We will be armed with our brand new hand bills promoting our new residency at The 21st Saloon. Make sure and grab us, say hi, get a picture, and a hand bill if you are at the show. Saturday don't miss my radio show also called HAIR IN THE AIR at 10 PM CST on 101.9 The Keg.
I told you there was a lot of news. I also wanted to thank everyone that was at Septemberfest last week. That was the biggest Septemberfest crowd we have ever played to and it was amazing seeing so many smile faces in the audience that night.
Now comes the real work. This is the part that is very tough. We have been held up in rehearsals getting Storm ready for the 18th and most of all getting ourselves ready. Being away from the action for so long is making me quite stir crazy. Everybody says "Relax. Enjoy your time off." Impossible it's actually quite the opposite. The time off eats me up inside. We live for the show, the fans, the hard work, the long miles, the lack of sleep, and the shitty food. It always feels like hell when you are going through it but then the minute it's over you wish to be right back in the action. Having this much time off has given me the chance to slightly catch my breath on all the Internet work we do but nothing compares to that rush of waking up on show day. It never gets old and I never take that feeling for granted. Standing on that Septemberfest stage, I looked over at Sniper and he looked back. I knew exactly what he was thinking. "This is the greatest thing in the world." I truly feel that way. The whole show was a blur. I barely remember the two hours I stood on that stage.
To say that we have our work cut out for us would be an understatement especially Mark, our new drummer. I know we will get there and I know this part is going to be hard. There will be some growing pains but we will pull through. We take each catastrophe as it comes, deal with it, then push forward as hard as possible. There is no other option. Every part of this business is hard. There has never been a point in ten years where I thought playing in a band was easy. But that's what gets me going, that's what pushes me to move forward. The odds are always stacked against you. It's to easy to fail. It's even harder to succeed. I wont let them win. I just can't. We just can't.
Always Loud
Forever Proud
Sam Spade
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Baby The Best Is Yet To Come
Hello Rock Fans and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. So much is happening and this is supposed to be our two weeks off from the tour. I can't help but love all the action and excitement. For those just catching up to recent online developments, we have officially found our new drummer. Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control we are going to wait until the time is right to announce the name of our new member. As with everything else we have done we want to do this right and we want to do this big. Give me a week or so and we will be launching the new tour and revealing the new lineup of 3D In Your Face. (We need time for a photo shoot). For now we have begun full scale rehearsals this week to train Drummer X. Not to psyche him out but he has a little under one month to learn over 30 songs with the beginnings and endings. He will then be thrust into the circus that is this band. He then will be swooped up by The 3D In Your Face Army and his life will never be the same. OK maybe that was a little over dramatic but I honestly can't wait to show you what we have been working on. So for this week I don't have any show announcements except for next weeks show on Saturday, Sept 5th for Septemberfest at The CenturyLink Center Parking Lot. This will be Dax's farewell show and will be a very bittersweet evening. Also don't forget to listen to my radio show this Saturday, also called Hair In The Air, at 10 PM CST on 101.9 The Keg.
I hate this feeling of limbo because I am usually the first person to blurt out the good news. I can't help it I want to feed you. The goal is to get the timing and planning together first before we rush into this. To be honest with you people I was pretty nervous going into the auditions that we wouldn't find the right guy. I know there is nothing you can do and the when the cards fall you have to play the hand you are dealt but we totally were blown away by the very first guy that auditioned. I can't say enough that he came in prepared. He knew every song we called out and even suprised us with a few tough ones. He downloaded our original tunes, we played those, and then we just sat back and talked. It was amazing to talk to a guy that shares the same passion for glam rock, hair metal, and just Rock N Roll in general. The vibe was there but I kept very quite during the entire audition so as not to come off to eager. I was ready to go right then and there but I knew I had to play it cool. The rest of the guys have been through this process many more times than I have and I figured maybe there was something to be learned by just sitting and watching it all go down. I'll say this until I am blue in the face but the other guys in the band are always great to learn from. I just have to remember that everything I am going through they have gone through too, except faster and louder. Grab a pencil and a pad of paper you might want to take notes.
To say we are starting a new chapter is to minimise everything that is happening right now in this band. We are taking the next steps that will determine the next year or two of our careers. It's not something I want to take lightly but it's something I am excited to dive right into. It's a shame that the new album will be pushed back but I truly feel the extra time will give us a chance to deliver a better album. These next few weeks of rehearsals will be the true test but I don't think we have anything to worry about and I know you have nothing to worry about. We have always prided ourselves on delivering you one of the highest quality Rock N Roll shows out there and this will never change. I think most of all I am excited to see your jaws hit the floor when we come out on stage for the first time. I am excited to see the floors fill up with people smiling right back at us. I am excited to share it all again with you. It's been said before but "Baby, the best is yet to come."
Sam Spade
I hate this feeling of limbo because I am usually the first person to blurt out the good news. I can't help it I want to feed you. The goal is to get the timing and planning together first before we rush into this. To be honest with you people I was pretty nervous going into the auditions that we wouldn't find the right guy. I know there is nothing you can do and the when the cards fall you have to play the hand you are dealt but we totally were blown away by the very first guy that auditioned. I can't say enough that he came in prepared. He knew every song we called out and even suprised us with a few tough ones. He downloaded our original tunes, we played those, and then we just sat back and talked. It was amazing to talk to a guy that shares the same passion for glam rock, hair metal, and just Rock N Roll in general. The vibe was there but I kept very quite during the entire audition so as not to come off to eager. I was ready to go right then and there but I knew I had to play it cool. The rest of the guys have been through this process many more times than I have and I figured maybe there was something to be learned by just sitting and watching it all go down. I'll say this until I am blue in the face but the other guys in the band are always great to learn from. I just have to remember that everything I am going through they have gone through too, except faster and louder. Grab a pencil and a pad of paper you might want to take notes.
To say we are starting a new chapter is to minimise everything that is happening right now in this band. We are taking the next steps that will determine the next year or two of our careers. It's not something I want to take lightly but it's something I am excited to dive right into. It's a shame that the new album will be pushed back but I truly feel the extra time will give us a chance to deliver a better album. These next few weeks of rehearsals will be the true test but I don't think we have anything to worry about and I know you have nothing to worry about. We have always prided ourselves on delivering you one of the highest quality Rock N Roll shows out there and this will never change. I think most of all I am excited to see your jaws hit the floor when we come out on stage for the first time. I am excited to see the floors fill up with people smiling right back at us. I am excited to share it all again with you. It's been said before but "Baby, the best is yet to come."
Sam Spade
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
"I Don't Need To Fight To Prove That I'm Right".
Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. Well it turns out last weeks blog was quite popular. It got the highest amount of reads ever with right around 450 views in one week. Everybody was excited to read the dirt. Sorry I couldn't have made it juicier. Well first of all what are we up to this week? Summer tour is officially over for us but that doesn't mean we are slowing down. No my friends quite the opposite. This Thursday Sniper and I will be making a public appearance at Soldier Valley Spirits in La Vista, NE as special guest judges for The 101.9 The Keg National Anthem Guitar Competition from 6PM-8PM. This is an exclusive event and you need to listen to The Crash Davis Morning show in order to win tickets. For the rest of the week we will be auditioning the remaining drummers and we hope to have a decision on who is our newest member by Sunday. If you are still craving that big hairy Rock N Roll tune into my radio show Hair In The Air, Saturday night at 10PM CST on 101.9 The Keg. Also there is only one more week to vote for 3D In Your Face for 'Best Cover Band' at this year's Omaha Entertainment Awards. We need your nomination to be invited to the big party.
As I said earlier last Saturday night we ended the 2015 Summer Tour. This is around the 9th summer tour I have done with the band and 4th as the full time bass player. They start running together after a while. This years tour was very special. We were busier than any other year in the bands history. This in itself is an accomplishment and I know Sniper and I hope that next year is even busier. We honestly just love to play. It never matters how big the crowd as long as we have an excuse to crank our amps up real loud, it's all smooth sailing. This summer we played some shows that were first time adventures. Places we had never been before. These shows are always fun for me. A challenge. I feel like we need to come out firing on all cylinders. I want to just crush any doubt in their minds as to why it is that we were hired. The best part is that it's always the same reaction. When the band hits the stage the jaws hit the floor. For the first half of the set people just stare back at us. I feed of that kind of attention. It makes me jump higher and run faster. After a few jabs and upper cuts by the second set the party is on and we are steam rolling straight to Rock N Roll pound town.
There were also a lot of shows this year that were return visits for us. I love these shows too because this gives us a chance to judge how we did last year. I always say that my goal isn't to be the most successful band in history I only aim to double my success from last year. Say we play a show in a small town one year and 100 people show up, we are invited back the next year and 200 people show up. That to me means success as a musician and an entertainer. My goal was to never sell a million records, that just doesn't happen anymore but I aim to sell twice as many albums this year as I did last year. Every show that was a return visit for us was at least double the attendance from the previous summer. I say successful tour. Granted this year we had a hell of a lot of bus trouble but last year we didn't have any. Call that what you will. Actually no, I already know what you are going to say. Most importantly we I love the summer tour because it gives us an excuse to travel around and see our friends that we haven't seen in a year. We get to meet new people that become integrated into our lives and become part of this rolling Rock N Roll family. I wish I could remember all the names. Hopefully we don't have to wait a whole year to see each other again but if we do I can't wait for that moment we come rolling back into your town.
Thanks for all the great memories and here's to many many more.
Sam Spade
As I said earlier last Saturday night we ended the 2015 Summer Tour. This is around the 9th summer tour I have done with the band and 4th as the full time bass player. They start running together after a while. This years tour was very special. We were busier than any other year in the bands history. This in itself is an accomplishment and I know Sniper and I hope that next year is even busier. We honestly just love to play. It never matters how big the crowd as long as we have an excuse to crank our amps up real loud, it's all smooth sailing. This summer we played some shows that were first time adventures. Places we had never been before. These shows are always fun for me. A challenge. I feel like we need to come out firing on all cylinders. I want to just crush any doubt in their minds as to why it is that we were hired. The best part is that it's always the same reaction. When the band hits the stage the jaws hit the floor. For the first half of the set people just stare back at us. I feed of that kind of attention. It makes me jump higher and run faster. After a few jabs and upper cuts by the second set the party is on and we are steam rolling straight to Rock N Roll pound town.
There were also a lot of shows this year that were return visits for us. I love these shows too because this gives us a chance to judge how we did last year. I always say that my goal isn't to be the most successful band in history I only aim to double my success from last year. Say we play a show in a small town one year and 100 people show up, we are invited back the next year and 200 people show up. That to me means success as a musician and an entertainer. My goal was to never sell a million records, that just doesn't happen anymore but I aim to sell twice as many albums this year as I did last year. Every show that was a return visit for us was at least double the attendance from the previous summer. I say successful tour. Granted this year we had a hell of a lot of bus trouble but last year we didn't have any. Call that what you will. Actually no, I already know what you are going to say. Most importantly we I love the summer tour because it gives us an excuse to travel around and see our friends that we haven't seen in a year. We get to meet new people that become integrated into our lives and become part of this rolling Rock N Roll family. I wish I could remember all the names. Hopefully we don't have to wait a whole year to see each other again but if we do I can't wait for that moment we come rolling back into your town.
Thanks for all the great memories and here's to many many more.
Sam Spade
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
So What Happened? The Low Down.
Hello Rock Fans. Welcome to Hair In The Air, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. I know exactly what all of you are thinking and trust me I will get to all of it later on in this blog. As many of you know Sunday we dropped a bomb on everyone by announce the departure of our drummer Dax. With this out in the open we are moving forward and the future is bright as ever. I've always said that no one is ever just going to give you anything. The pot of gold isn't going to just land in your lap. You have to go searching for it and that's exactly what we plan to do. This week marks the very end of our summer tour. We are kicking off two shows this weekend to seal up The 2015 Summer Tour. Friday, Aug. 14th we are making a return visit home sweet home for a special one night only Rock N Roll party at The 21st Saloon. This show will be sponsored by Atomic Garage Flea Market and Gifts. I suspect this will be one of those wild shows. It's been over a month since we have played to the public in or around the Omaha area. Heading home. Saturday, Aug. 15th we are be headlining Wormsfest in Worms, NE. There will be bull riding, openers Whiskey Bent, and we will be closing the night from 10:30-1:30. Last year they had 2,500 in attendance. This show will is being put on by Nitecrawlers bar and will be held at The UBT building. $15 advance tickets, $25 day of show.
Now for the goods. What really happened? Well honestly we are pretty much telling it like it is. Thursday night at rehearsal Dax approached us with a very heavy heart and told us that he was putting in his notice. He would fill out the rest of the dates but he just didn't think he was right for this group. He handled it very professionally and now looking back after the smoke has cleared away I see his side of the story. Dax became a great friend over the last year and he brought a lot of good to 3D In Your Face. Personally I am sad to see him go because I feel like we bonded on stage and off. To say I wasn't devastated by this news would be an understatement. I was floored, I was pissed, and most of all I felt like the weight of the world now hung on our next move. I counted it out and this Dax was the 6th drummer that I have parted ways with. That made me wonder if I was the problem. I soul searched for a few days and I think I still am. Sniper and I keep calling each other and it's the same thing, "You in a funk?" "Yeah." "Me too." All joking aside I am thankful to have amazing band mates, a great road crew and a killer support system to help me through this.
Where does that leave us is the next question. Well, as I said earlier, nobody is going to give us anything. At this moment we are looking at a few prospective drummers. We will be auditioning and picking out the guy that fits perfectly into this band. Our goal has always been to put on the best live Rock N Roll show possible. The guys It's never going to be easy, if it was everyone would play in a Rock band. The recording of the next album will be put on hold until we get the new guy up to speed. We will be making our next tour announcement when we have the drummer lined up and ready to reveal. I told you last week we are sitting pretty at around 10 completed songs for the next album. It's there, it just needs that missing piece of the puzzle. The guys and I take this very seriously. It's not just a job or a gig this is our life and has been for many years. In all reality who knows what the future holds. I do know that we will make this work and we will make this band even better. Dream big. Many next week when I sit down to write this blog I will be putting my foot in my mouth again. From where I stand it's never a dull moment.
Sam Spade
Now for the goods. What really happened? Well honestly we are pretty much telling it like it is. Thursday night at rehearsal Dax approached us with a very heavy heart and told us that he was putting in his notice. He would fill out the rest of the dates but he just didn't think he was right for this group. He handled it very professionally and now looking back after the smoke has cleared away I see his side of the story. Dax became a great friend over the last year and he brought a lot of good to 3D In Your Face. Personally I am sad to see him go because I feel like we bonded on stage and off. To say I wasn't devastated by this news would be an understatement. I was floored, I was pissed, and most of all I felt like the weight of the world now hung on our next move. I counted it out and this Dax was the 6th drummer that I have parted ways with. That made me wonder if I was the problem. I soul searched for a few days and I think I still am. Sniper and I keep calling each other and it's the same thing, "You in a funk?" "Yeah." "Me too." All joking aside I am thankful to have amazing band mates, a great road crew and a killer support system to help me through this.
Where does that leave us is the next question. Well, as I said earlier, nobody is going to give us anything. At this moment we are looking at a few prospective drummers. We will be auditioning and picking out the guy that fits perfectly into this band. Our goal has always been to put on the best live Rock N Roll show possible. The guys It's never going to be easy, if it was everyone would play in a Rock band. The recording of the next album will be put on hold until we get the new guy up to speed. We will be making our next tour announcement when we have the drummer lined up and ready to reveal. I told you last week we are sitting pretty at around 10 completed songs for the next album. It's there, it just needs that missing piece of the puzzle. The guys and I take this very seriously. It's not just a job or a gig this is our life and has been for many years. In all reality who knows what the future holds. I do know that we will make this work and we will make this band even better. Dream big. Many next week when I sit down to write this blog I will be putting my foot in my mouth again. From where I stand it's never a dull moment.
Sam Spade
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Letting It All Hang Out; "That's It?"
Hello Rock fans and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face. Another week down and another week closer to winter. YUCK! Have no fear because there are still a few weeks left to enjoy some live Rock N Roll surrounded by mother nature. This week there is a bit of a change. We will only be doing one show. That is Friday, Aug 7th at Boji Bay Funhouse in Milford, IA. We are very sorry to all of you that were hoping for a second Iowa date but unfortunately the powers that be pulled the plug and we are stuck with just one night to rock your face off. No worries though. This Friday we are returning to an amazing city in the heart of Okaboji for an all ages FREE blow out at a waterpark. Break out those speedo swimsuits and mexican hats we still have some time to enjoy the warm weather. Last year we had an absolute blast and we are looking forward to and even better crowd and bigger party. As I stated before Saturday we will be taking the day and night off, well not really. After next weekends shows the band will be taking two weeks off to hit the studio to begin recording our 5th album. So Saturday will be spent diligently working on our new batch of original tunes. If you are still looking for some action I can almost gaurantee some of the boys will be out on the town cause trouble and making a scene. Also don't miss Hair In The Air Radio Saturday Night on 101.9 The Keg 10 PM -12 AM CST hosted by your's truly. The rock never ever stops.
As we make this mad dash towards the last few weeks of summer and eventually recording our next album, I am trying to remember the feelings I went though right before we sat down to do the "Midnight Devils" Album. That was my first big recording, my first full length album, and my first taste at songwriting. I had grand illusions for that album and I think we succeeded with many of our goals and dreams for that record. Two years later we are wiser, better songsmiths, and a tighter unit. The Rock N Roll ideals and fundamentals are all still there and we aim to keep as much of the recording process the same if possible. Don't expect anything weird or out of your comfort level. We are a dirt guitar oriented rock band. Expect big choruses with catch hooks. Expect riffs that go on for days and get stuck in your head while you are trying to sleep. I think our goal at the end of the day was to follow up "Midnight Devils" with a better sounding and more thought out piece of work. We are artist and the best part about this band is that we get a chance to fully express ourselves. We aren't copying anybody or imitating another person. We are letting it all hang out, our hearts and souls for the entire world to see. If people dig it, thats great, but if they don't that ok too. We've gotten our release.
I will do my best to keep you updated from the studio and build your excitment and anticipation. The songs are there and I think they are head and shoulders better than the last album. If you have been in attendance at some of our shows, by now you have heard some of the better songs and the ones we have been working on for quite a while. Those songs we are very proud of and you will soon see them they way we do. I think most of all what I am looking forward to is spending some good quality time with my bandmates creating the next chapter for 3D In Your Face. After recording then it's time to select a single, get the album, shoot a video, release the album, promote the album, and eventually tour in support of the album. We will be working on our future and the future of the band. That is what get's me going and keeps me up till 5 AM tinkering on song lyrics. Maybe I don't go out as much as I used to but I think this right here and right now is much more important than anything else I could be out doing. Just you wait and see. The Rock N Roll wheels are in motion even if they may be sparking and shooting out flames.
As we make this mad dash towards the last few weeks of summer and eventually recording our next album, I am trying to remember the feelings I went though right before we sat down to do the "Midnight Devils" Album. That was my first big recording, my first full length album, and my first taste at songwriting. I had grand illusions for that album and I think we succeeded with many of our goals and dreams for that record. Two years later we are wiser, better songsmiths, and a tighter unit. The Rock N Roll ideals and fundamentals are all still there and we aim to keep as much of the recording process the same if possible. Don't expect anything weird or out of your comfort level. We are a dirt guitar oriented rock band. Expect big choruses with catch hooks. Expect riffs that go on for days and get stuck in your head while you are trying to sleep. I think our goal at the end of the day was to follow up "Midnight Devils" with a better sounding and more thought out piece of work. We are artist and the best part about this band is that we get a chance to fully express ourselves. We aren't copying anybody or imitating another person. We are letting it all hang out, our hearts and souls for the entire world to see. If people dig it, thats great, but if they don't that ok too. We've gotten our release.
I will do my best to keep you updated from the studio and build your excitment and anticipation. The songs are there and I think they are head and shoulders better than the last album. If you have been in attendance at some of our shows, by now you have heard some of the better songs and the ones we have been working on for quite a while. Those songs we are very proud of and you will soon see them they way we do. I think most of all what I am looking forward to is spending some good quality time with my bandmates creating the next chapter for 3D In Your Face. After recording then it's time to select a single, get the album, shoot a video, release the album, promote the album, and eventually tour in support of the album. We will be working on our future and the future of the band. That is what get's me going and keeps me up till 5 AM tinkering on song lyrics. Maybe I don't go out as much as I used to but I think this right here and right now is much more important than anything else I could be out doing. Just you wait and see. The Rock N Roll wheels are in motion even if they may be sparking and shooting out flames.
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