The Official Blog Of The Glam Slam Big Haired Bad Boys Out Of Omaha, NE, 3D In Your Face

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Go Team! Welcome Aboard Melissa.

Hello everybody and welcome back to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face.  I want to apologize for the length of this blog but if you read down farther you will understand why it's so long.  First and foremost I want to thank everyone that came out to wish us a farewell last week at The 21st Saloon.  Huge thank yous to Scott and all of his staff for opening up their bar for us to call home.  Thank you to all of crazy 3D In Your Face Army Members that traveled to catch any of the shows throughout the winter.  Thank you to our amazing crew, our friends and families.  We launched our 2015 summer tour the next night on a very rainy Memorial Day weekend.  The crowd absolutely blew us away and stayed all night even during the rain.  I'm not afraid to say it again if this is just a glimpse of the summer to come than we are all in for a hell of a lot of fun.  This weekend we are traveling west to our favorite home-away-from-home, Kearney, NE for a very special two night show at Shooters.  The bus is rolling hard and heavy and the party gets kicked off Friday, May 29th at 9PM.  Make the trip I honestly can't begin to describe how amazing shows in Kearney have become.  We are going to party all night hey hey hey hey.  I will be doing a live interview with Rock 101.5 on Wednesday, May 27th at 4:45 PM CST.  Tune in live or listen online but whatever you do Tweet about it using @3dinyourface1 or @rock1015rocks.

This week there is very big news in the 3D In Your Face camp.  As we are about to embark on our summer tour and release a new album we have opened the doors of our tight knit world to a little outside help.  Wanting to make everything bigger and better for you, our amazing fans, we are very honored to announce that we have teamed up with Moxie Publicity and hired Melissa Kucirek as our official band Publicist.  Melissa has worked with some amazing artist and has a track record that would make your jaw drop.  More than that I think we saw somebody that was interested in fighting with us to spread the word about this band.  As a full fledged team member Melissa is spear-heading a PR campaign that includes newspaper features, radio interviews, and media relations.  We are beyond excited to be allied with a person that not only enjoys Rock N Roll music but has done some amazing things in the past.  Melissa is a true team player and we hope that our relationship with her is long and fruitful.  As here first act as our publicist she has rewritten our band bio.  I wrote our original bio a few years back and it clearly shows that I'm better at playing guitar than writing band bios.  Check this out and please let us know what you think.  Welcome aboard Melissa.  Go Team!

2015 BIO

To know 3D In Your Face is to know the decade of decadence; the time when neon ruled, spandex reigned and hair triumphed. It was a magnificent age—loud and proud—when the idea of your entire music collection fitting into your pocket was unfathomable and you’d never think of confining the music to your head with a flimsy set of earbuds.

You can’t go back to rocking out to your favorite records, blowing out your stereo speakers and driving the neighbors crazy.  But you can feel the awesome, awesome noise again with 3D In Your Face! Four guys in astoundingly loud coats, outrageous eyeshadow, ripped t-shirts and formidable hair are blasting the music way out of your parents’ basement and rocking the stage with a spectacle of showmanship better than any MTV video back in its heyday.

3D In Your Face is Alan “Hot Rod” King (vocals, guitar, keys), Chris “Sniper” Hineline (vocals, lead guitar), Dakota “Dax” Nielsen (drums), and Sam “Spade” Morris (vocals, bass). The Omaha-based foursome doesn’t merely mimic metal gods. They fuse amazing musicianship with a spectacular stage show of laser lights, scissor kicks, spinning, and even rope-swinging to create a live concert event that channels gusto and testosterone into a one-of-a-kind experience that keeps you wondering what is going to happen next!

Smoke machines, choreographed guitar raising, a battalion of amps that threaten to outnumber even a large crowd, and over-the-top stage get-ups are just a piece of what this band brings to the floor. 3D In Your Face gets into the music, gets the crowd stoked, and makes the audience jump onto their marvelous ride. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Limos, Back Lounges, and Conga Lines.

Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face.  Well it has finally come down to this.  Memorial Day is right around the corner, May is wrapping up, and so is our residency at The 21st Saloon.  This Friday, May 22nd we play our final show of this residency that began back in Sept. 2014.  That's nearly every Friday except when we had to leave for Kearney and Dax's vacation, but still I am very proud of this.  The crowds have been getting bigger and better.  The shows have become something that I look forward to every week.  My favorite part, and I will say this 1,000 times is when the curtain drops and I get the chance to look in the audience and see all of those smiling faces.  Kills me every time.  To add to the holiday weekend festivities we are excited to be doing a special Memorial Day Rock N Roll party at American Dream on Saturday, May 23rd.  This will be a free show and word has just come down that there will be a free BBQ going on at 5:30 PM.  It just keeps getting better.  Also don't miss HAIR IN THE AIR, on Saturday from 10 PM - 12 AM on 101.9 The Keg.  I know it's only Wednesday but I think I'm ready for the holiday weekend to start.

Tonight the boys and I will be braving the rain to catch Judas Priest and Saxon at The Stir Cove.  I will proudly  be representing my radio station 101.9 The Keg as the Metal Gods rip Council Bluffs apart.  See you down there.

I've done many blogs on Memorial Day and the remembrance of our fallen war heroes.  This year I wanted to switch things up and lay a few stories of my own on you.  No I ask that you take these stories with a grain of salt because most of these come from back in my drinking days and the memories tend to get a little fuzzy.  For Memorial Day was always one of the biggest concert weekends of the year.  It meant that we finally got outside and that we were closer to the summer run of shows.  It all kicked off with the infamous annual Fish Heads Bash at The Old Anchor Inn.  Now I realize I probably wasn't around for all the really good shows there but I did catch the tail end.  Let me set the scene for you.  The Fish Heads, an Omaha Island Party Band, hosted an all day multi-band event on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend.  No one had to work the next day so the entire city was off.  The Anchor Inn had a massive stage and concert space.  Imagine 10,000 highly intoxicated people descended upon this oasis for no other reason than to have fun in the sun.  No rules, no limits, no problem.  I was just a wide eyed college boy at the time and witnessed all these bands coming together to have fun and kick off their summer tours.  It was a club, and being associated with 3D In Your Face, I was invited to hang with the cool kids.

I can't really remember the years exactly but the things I do remember are waking up in our tour bus and walking to the stage at 10 AM.  Load in was early before all the people arrive.  It was hot but The Fish Heads were already passing around a bottle of tequila and the faint smell of marijuana lingered on the stage.  Sounds like every Rock N Roll load in every right?  By the time the show was up and running the techs were all pissed because the openers were being dicks but I was just awestruck by the girls walking around in bikinis and the sheer amount of boats floating up and down the river.  As day turned into night the sea of people just kept getting bigger.  By the time we played or The Fish Heads closed the night it was a blur of faces watermelons (the famous citrus drink) and hairspray.  My friends back home never believe that this kind of party existed so I even brought them along one year to witness Sodom and Gomorrah.  I remember seeing Hot Rod passed out on a parking block behind the bus, I vomited off of a camper, we stole more booze than we could possibly drink, I saw our bass tech do vile things to a very special girl, there were limos, back lounges, conga lines, and this is all just what I can remember off hand.  After The Anchor Inn flooded they tried to recreate the magic but the ship had sailed.  It was one of those special days that always holds a place in my heart.  Thank you to The Fish Heads, I always looked up to you guys.  You did so much to help me career and I don't even think you realize it.  Thanks to my band and most importantly the amazing team of techs.  We were the best around.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Rome Wasn't Built In 3 Days But AC/DC Made A Hell of A Career Out of 3 Chords.

Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official Blog of 3D In Your Face.  The weeks are winding down and we are almost to the end of our residency at The 21st Saloon and the beginning of the summer.  I know I wrote about that a few blogs back but I want everyone to know that it's now or never, if you want to catch this show at our home bar.  We will be bidding the bar that has brought us all together as the 3D In Your Face Army a found farewell in just two short weeks.  Of course we will be back but trust me it's not the same when you can't rely on those good old Friday night Rock N Roll parties.  This Friday, May 15th at The 21st Saloon we are throwing a very special present your way.  Our good friends, and my favorite Omaha band, Polka Police will be opening the show with their style of Polka infused mania.  It's our history and our heritage and they mix in just enough Rock N Roll to make it a show stopper.  Also the boys from Pink Shugar will be sponsoring the show and they will be selling their world famous cotton candy along with some other great treats.  Bang for the buck.  Saturday, May 16th we will be making a special appearance at The Omaha Rollergirls' bout at The Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs.  Come and say hi and support these amazing women.  Don't forget HAIR IN THE AIR Radio Saturday night from 10pm-12am on 101.9 The Keg.  It's going to be a good one.

As I sit here typing I am putting off something that I missed last night.  So I guess I am going to have to stay up a little later and fit this into the schedule.  I haven't told many people this but recently I started teaching lessons.  Not much just intro to guitar and bass.  I have taught lessons in the past but this time I am thrilled to be teaching some amazing students that seem to have that vision and drive to practice and learn.  Most importantly I have realized that I love playing music.  I love teaching music.  I love everything about it.  When I was a young budding guitar player my parents took me to guitar lessons in Fremont, NE.  I hate it.  I hated the music, I hated the practice, and I never felt like I was learning anything.  Little did I know that my teacher was an amazing blues guitarist and was teaching me the fundamentals to everything I would use for the next ten years of my life.  I wanted to play KISS and I wanted to play loud.  I wanted to be the kid in school leaning against his locker strumming some chords looking so cool in front of the girls.  HAHA.  Where is that kid now?

Teaching lessons is a whole different beast.  You need to be patient and encouraging but meticulous and precise.  "Do it again".  "One more time".  Same thing I hear in the practice room at 3D Studios.  It wasn't until much later down the line that I realized that I actually needed to play my guitar as much as I could.  That's the only way you get better.  In the beginning you are just waiting for that moment, that light switch, that changes everything.  I remember it well.  When everything comes together and you express what you are feeling with music.  That's exactly what it's all about.  I was never one for learning music theory that was the farthest thing from Rock N Roll.  Lately though I have really been enjoying going back to the basics and relearning all the steps.  Booze and drugs where the farthest thing from my mind when I picked up the guitar for the first time.  It's come back around and I am enjoying show others the path that I went down.  It's about discovering and pushing yourself.  How far do you want to take it?  Rome wasn't built in 3 days but AC/DC made a hell of a career out of 3 chords.



Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Spark That Makes The Rock N Roll World Go Round

Hello everybody and welcome to HAIR IN THE AIR, The Official blog of 3D In Your Face.  May is finally upon us and the weather here in the states starting to get nice again.  Not really nice enought to play outside but it's getting close enought that I can smell it.  We want to thank everyone for the amazing night at The 21st Saloon last week.  Even with everything else going on in town the bar was still packed.  Thanks for all the support for Bikers For Boobies.  This Friday, May 8th we are back At The 21st Saloon with the third to the last show of this Residency that began back in Sept. 2014.  Can you believe it has been that long?  We have spent the better part of our year with you crazy people and trust me the guys and I in the band love every minute of it.  Last week we introduced a new set list that will be the basis of our summer set list.  So if you are looking for a little preview of what to expect this summer make plans to be in Omaha this Friday or the next two.  If not, well I guess you will have to wait until we come to your town.  Also please check out this brand 3D In Your Face Tour Flyer courtesy of Jenn Mitchell over at Rockgasm Radio.  Send her some love.

This week, as like most weeks, I never really know what I am going to write until I sit down and start typing.  At first I was going to write you a long indepth piece about Elvis Presley and why I think he is the greatest Rock N Roll singer of all time.  Honestly though those have been written and if you are reading this just watch this video it pretty much says it all.  So I thought for this week I might shed some light on the writing process of our upcoming album.  A little status update.  Things have been going extremely well with the new album.  We are about 8 full songs into the record with a goal of 12 songs for the finished product.  Most importantly we have played 6 of the songs live onstage and they have translated very well from the rehearsal room.  There is no title yet and there is no release date yet.  We have learned qutie a bit from the "Midnight Devils" album and it's release and this time we are going to do our best to not rush anything and do it right.  That means singles, videos, iTunes, pre-sales, and special bonus material.  This album feels a lot like the last one but I think we have all matured as musicians and songwriters and we have added a new element to the equation, DAX.  No matter how it turns we are just happy to have the chance to express ourselves through our music for the world to see.

Maybe even you can help.  For the past few weeks I have been having a bit of writers block.  Unfortunately this happens sometimes to any artist.  I know that we need another song, I have the drum beat but I can't quite put my finger on the hook, or the chorus.  I realize that the block is coming from me, from within.  I want the song to focus on a certain aspect and nothing around me is tripping the trigger, for lack of a better phrase.  Now I know better than anyone else that you can't force these things to happen.  They come naturally and honestly, that's what makes them relatable songs.  I'm almost positive that I have written this blog before for the last album.  So for now the block continues and I look to you people for inspiration.  I've said this before many times but 90% of our songs comes from real life experiences.  I think that's only fair.   Just remember I will be watching and taking it all in hoping for that little spark that makes the Rock N Roll world go round.


Sam Spade